Charity well all of those other prophecies concerning his return is meaningless to you.
Of course they are Not meaningless.. I await in hope for the return of my LORD Jesus.. Why did you say the above? There is no basis for making such a statement..
I wonder why it is written about the total destruction of this heaven and Earth, when it says that this heaven and Earth will pass away with a loud noise and fibrant heat.
Because this world as it is now will end and part of that ending will be a rain of fire and brimstone.. So this current earth as it is now will pass away.. And in it's place will be a New earth, one ruled by the LORD Jesus..
Or any of the book of Revelation. Or that we will see him as he truly is and we will be like him? Things to occur after his coming.
Of course.. eventually we shall be transformed into perfected beings and we shall look like Jesus.. Why do you make such statements and seem to be insinuating that i do not believe these things?
Maybe you don't believe in any of the prophecies.
I believe in all the prophecies in the Word of God..