You may fall from "grace", but you will never fall from Jesus' arms of Love.
Later, I want to ask you a very serious question, but for now, I want to share the following:
Do I believe we can fall from grace?
I definitely do. But not in the same way some believers might be thinking right now.
If we say we can't fall from grace, we would be wrong, because the Bible definitely says we can. King David, who committed adultery with Bathsheba, is sometimes used to illustrate the idea of falling from grace.
You might be surprised to know that Judas Iscariot is not included as one that "fell from grace".
If Judas was not a believer, then how could he cast out demons?
According to the Bible, even though Judas is considered to not have been a born-again believer, he could still cast out demons, because Jesus gave authority to all twelve disciples, including Judas, to perform miracles like casting out demons, highlighting that outward actions don't always reflect a person's true inner faith; essentially, the power came from Jesus, not from Judas' personal belief.
How do we know Judas was never a born-again believer, to begin with?
Matthew 26:24: Jesus said that whomever betrays Him, "It would be better for him if he had not been born". This settles the age-old question of where Judas shall spend eternity. Jesus knew that Judas would betray him, and he warned the disciples that "one of you is a devil!" Judas wasn't worried about Jesus' mission. He was more worried about money.
John 17:12: This verse refers to Judas as "the son of destruction".
Question: When born-again believers fall from grace, does that mean they have been severed from Christ for eternity, losing their salvation?
The emphasis is more on the concept of "falling from grace" which refers to someone who once had a close relationship with God, but then turned away from their faith through deliberate sin or disobedience. They have fallen from favor...not from salvation.
Now...this leads to a very important question for you.
When you hear the phrase "fall from grace", what's the first thing that comes to mind? When born-again believers fall from grace, does that mean they have been severed from Christ for eternity, losing their salvation?
First, we have to understand what it means to "fall from grace". We also have to understand what grace IS. God's Word describes "grace" as UN-EARNED FAVOR from God. The emphasis being on someone who had a close fellowship with God, but deliberately broke that fellowship by sinning against God, through disobedience.
Can you find anything in that description that says just because a follower's fellowship with the Lord was temporarily interrupted, he/she lost their salvation?
No. It says they lost FAVOR....approval, support....from God.
Why that didn't cause loss of salvation:
In the Bible, Ephesians 1:13 states that believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise after they hear and believe the gospel of salvation...until the day of redemption.
That Holy Spirit's seal, signifies the following:
A finished transaction. It also represents the security of the believer, in Christ. You cannot break God's seal on you. That "Seal" IS the Holy Spirit himself, who never leaves the believer. The Bible says you can quench the Holy Spirit and you can grieve it, but you cannot break God's Holy Spirit of promise to save you and keep you as His own! God never breaks a promise to His children.
If my own son disobeys me, that does not negate him as being my own, forever. It only interrupts/disrupts that peaceful, comforting fellowship we once enjoyed. Disobedience does not render our relationship "null and void". That child could disobey me day after day. I wouldn't like it....his actions would not be favored. He would rightly be disciplined, but that would never cause me to abandon him. Not only because I love him...but because that blood bond between us can never be lost nor severed. I would be angry that he disobeyed me but I would never stop loving my son and I would never abandon him. He knows that. He is secure in that. Even he could understand that he is not being disciplined because I don't love him, but because he disobeyed me and could have harmed himself greatly, so it was a must that he be disciplined. Once he realizes he was disobedient, and apologizes, that fellowship is immediately restored. Forgiven, forgotten, and peaceful again.
My Creator God, placed that child in my womb and bonded us by my blood. He meant for him to be bonded with my own flesh and blood, forever.
Jesus came from heaven to earth, to bond with us through the flesh and blood of Mary, that you may know that God understands us and can feel everything we can feel, in every way, shape, and form. He created each one of us in our mother's womb. By blood, He is our Heavenly Father. You are his blood related child.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ bought us with His blood by sacrificing Himself on the cross, to pay for our sins. This act of atonement freed us from sin and made us children of God, forever. How do I know? Because God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him and invites Jesus into their heart and life as Savior, shall be saved and inherit eternal life. That eternal life starts the second you said I do to Christ, as Savior. You have been spiritually rescued and Redeemed, by the blood of Christ!
Jesus took on the punishment for our sins, so we could be declared "justified" by His work on the cross.
Ransom: Jesus' death ransomed us from sin, freeing us from its power.
Purchase: Jesus paid the price for us, so we are now His child.
The Bible describes Jesus' sacrifice as "once for all". This means that His sacrifice was the final acceptable payment for sin.
Bible verses:
Galatians 3:13-15: Christ bought us with his blood, freeing us from the Law.
1 Corinthians 6:20: You were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body.
Luke 22:20: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
1 Peter 3:18: Christ suffered for sins, He who had no sin, that he might bring us to God.
When Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you", He meant what He said and He proved it on the cross.
Do I believe we can fall from grace?
I definitely do. But not in the same way some believers might be thinking right now.
If we say we can't fall from grace, we would be wrong, because the Bible definitely says we can. King David, who committed adultery with Bathsheba, is sometimes used to illustrate the idea of falling from grace.
You might be surprised to know that Judas Iscariot is not included as one that "fell from grace".
If Judas was not a believer, then how could he cast out demons?
According to the Bible, even though Judas is considered to not have been a born-again believer, he could still cast out demons, because Jesus gave authority to all twelve disciples, including Judas, to perform miracles like casting out demons, highlighting that outward actions don't always reflect a person's true inner faith; essentially, the power came from Jesus, not from Judas' personal belief.
How do we know Judas was never a born-again believer, to begin with?
Matthew 26:24: Jesus said that whomever betrays Him, "It would be better for him if he had not been born". This settles the age-old question of where Judas shall spend eternity. Jesus knew that Judas would betray him, and he warned the disciples that "one of you is a devil!" Judas wasn't worried about Jesus' mission. He was more worried about money.
John 17:12: This verse refers to Judas as "the son of destruction".
Question: When born-again believers fall from grace, does that mean they have been severed from Christ for eternity, losing their salvation?
The emphasis is more on the concept of "falling from grace" which refers to someone who once had a close relationship with God, but then turned away from their faith through deliberate sin or disobedience. They have fallen from favor...not from salvation.
Now...this leads to a very important question for you.
When you hear the phrase "fall from grace", what's the first thing that comes to mind? When born-again believers fall from grace, does that mean they have been severed from Christ for eternity, losing their salvation?
First, we have to understand what it means to "fall from grace". We also have to understand what grace IS. God's Word describes "grace" as UN-EARNED FAVOR from God. The emphasis being on someone who had a close fellowship with God, but deliberately broke that fellowship by sinning against God, through disobedience.
Can you find anything in that description that says just because a follower's fellowship with the Lord was temporarily interrupted, he/she lost their salvation?
No. It says they lost FAVOR....approval, support....from God.
Why that didn't cause loss of salvation:
In the Bible, Ephesians 1:13 states that believers are sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise after they hear and believe the gospel of salvation...until the day of redemption.
That Holy Spirit's seal, signifies the following:
A finished transaction. It also represents the security of the believer, in Christ. You cannot break God's seal on you. That "Seal" IS the Holy Spirit himself, who never leaves the believer. The Bible says you can quench the Holy Spirit and you can grieve it, but you cannot break God's Holy Spirit of promise to save you and keep you as His own! God never breaks a promise to His children.
If my own son disobeys me, that does not negate him as being my own, forever. It only interrupts/disrupts that peaceful, comforting fellowship we once enjoyed. Disobedience does not render our relationship "null and void". That child could disobey me day after day. I wouldn't like it....his actions would not be favored. He would rightly be disciplined, but that would never cause me to abandon him. Not only because I love him...but because that blood bond between us can never be lost nor severed. I would be angry that he disobeyed me but I would never stop loving my son and I would never abandon him. He knows that. He is secure in that. Even he could understand that he is not being disciplined because I don't love him, but because he disobeyed me and could have harmed himself greatly, so it was a must that he be disciplined. Once he realizes he was disobedient, and apologizes, that fellowship is immediately restored. Forgiven, forgotten, and peaceful again.
My Creator God, placed that child in my womb and bonded us by my blood. He meant for him to be bonded with my own flesh and blood, forever.
Jesus came from heaven to earth, to bond with us through the flesh and blood of Mary, that you may know that God understands us and can feel everything we can feel, in every way, shape, and form. He created each one of us in our mother's womb. By blood, He is our Heavenly Father. You are his blood related child.
According to the Bible, Jesus Christ bought us with His blood by sacrificing Himself on the cross, to pay for our sins. This act of atonement freed us from sin and made us children of God, forever. How do I know? Because God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him and invites Jesus into their heart and life as Savior, shall be saved and inherit eternal life. That eternal life starts the second you said I do to Christ, as Savior. You have been spiritually rescued and Redeemed, by the blood of Christ!
Jesus took on the punishment for our sins, so we could be declared "justified" by His work on the cross.
Ransom: Jesus' death ransomed us from sin, freeing us from its power.
Purchase: Jesus paid the price for us, so we are now His child.
The Bible describes Jesus' sacrifice as "once for all". This means that His sacrifice was the final acceptable payment for sin.
Bible verses:
Galatians 3:13-15: Christ bought us with his blood, freeing us from the Law.
1 Corinthians 6:20: You were bought with a price, so glorify God in your body.
Luke 22:20: This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.
1 Peter 3:18: Christ suffered for sins, He who had no sin, that he might bring us to God.
When Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you", He meant what He said and He proved it on the cross.