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Can your denomination REALLY decide your eternal fate?

Have we become so caught up in other denominations, that we have completely missed the message in God's Plan of Salvation on how to save our very souls from hell?

Did God say that people helping the poor, reading our Bible everyday, church membership, dropping money in the offering plate, visiting the sick, doing good things for people, reading the Bible, keeping the laws of the Torah, attending a certain church/denomination or fasting on occasion, leads to salvation?

While those are some things that people do, God said none of those lead to Salvation. Do you know why?

God made it crystal clear that we can never earn our way to Heaven by good works.

Ephesians 2:8-9 KJV - For by grace (UNEARNED favor from God) are ye saved.... by faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: NOT of works, lest any man should boast!"

How many times, and how much clearer, does God have to say it?

Are you really going to tell God that anything and everything you have done in your life, tops what Jesus did on the cross, including giving His very life and shedding His innocent blood for the remission of your sins? That's something Satan and his followers would claim! Satan would love to convince you of that lie. He's looking for a bigger crowd in hell with him.

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians 6:12

This verse should convince us, that Satan is after our own soul! If we've not studied our Bible, how would we ever know that in the spiritual world, sin can only be obliterated and paid for, by the shedding of righteous, sinless blood... Hebrews 9:22. Are we so self-righteous, innocent, or so "good" that we never sin? Then how can we say we can pay for our own sins? The answer is obvious --- we can't! Jesus is sinless. That's why only His blood sacrifice is acceptable before Almighty God. Jesus knew that. He volunteered to die in our place and pay for our sins, so that whosoever comes to Him for forgiveness, believing that He will keep His Word to save them, shall be saved.

There are those who would rather mock, curse, and call God a liar, than learn from His teachings. They want nothing to do with God, Jesus, or salvation, so naturally, they shall have the desires of their heart. They have neglected to prepare their own soul for eternity. They have believed a devil's lie and rejected the only plan presented by God the Father himself, by which they could have been saved from the consequences that sin brought on us all. God is fair; sin is not! It's sin that separates us from a Holy God, forever. If we think we can drag our sins into a holy heaven, we better think again.

If we'll read God's Word, we will see that salvation is an individual, personal decision; not a denominational one.

Romans 10:9 confirms that "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved". Don't put a question mark where God put a period. He's no liar and He meant what he said. Different denominations may emphasize different teachings, but they do not invalidate God's Plan of Salvation. God the Father himself is the one that determined what saves mankind. He did not leave that up for debate or question by flawed man. He did not leave us to guess how to have eternal life in heaven. God said you can do it your own way, but it will never lead to heaven.

Romans 10:9 is telling us, that believing false teachings can be eternally dangerous/damning, leading all, even some believers, away from Christ and His truths. 1st Timothy 4:16 says, "Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine (God's teachings/warnings given to save us); continue in them: for in doing this, thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee". God's Plan of Salvation tells us that if we place our faith in Christ's finished work on the cross alone, and not our so-called "good deeds", we shall be saved! That is God's promise to any who invite Jesus into their heart and life as Savior.

While imperfect beliefs do not necessarily condemn a person, seeking God's Truths, is vital for Salvation. Ultimately, salvation never depends on our performance, but on one's personal relationship with Jesus Christ. No denomination can guarantee salvation...and no church can add to, nor replace the gospel message!

While sound doctrine strengthens our faith, it is not denominational labels that saves, but faith in Christ and what He did on the cross to save us from hell. Choice of denomination is no substitute for faith and salvation in Christ. Jesus himself said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man can come unto the Father, but by Me." John 14:6
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I believe what I heard many years ago
In “ Catholic” school, and that was, if you believe in someone you call God or Allah or what other name a person has for who they believe in; but are devout and good people, it has nothing to do with “ eternal fate”.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@soar2newhighs I appreciate your thoughts and consideration of this subject. Respectfully, let's examine what Catholicism teaches:

1. That we can pray to Mary. That contradicts the first commandment, " Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." which includes bowing down to graven images (including idols, pictures, crosses, statues, or praying the rosary, directly invoking Mary to be our Meditator/Intercessor ( Hail Mary!, full of grace...)

"For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5

2. That the Bible and Church tradition are equally authoritative, and that the Church interprets Scripture.

God's Word tells us not to lean to our own understanding. Satan can, and does, try to deceive us. Only God and His sacred scriptures have authority to guide us and show us the way to Salvation. It is up to ministers of faith, to preach/provide exactly what God teaches in His Word; not leave it to their own interpretation.

Jesus said to test the spirits, even of the different churches. He said we can find His truths in the Bible, not different denominations.

I believe if that were the case, we could fall for any wind of doctrine, including those whose doctrine might be false. Followers of Christ acknowledge that it is the Holy Spirit's role as Teacher and Helper/Interpreter, to teach believers the things of Christ in scripture. We really need the Holy Spirit to teach us the things of God. There are so many false teachers out there, including some pastors who only want to benefit their pockets. That's what we have to be careful of. There are also some great Ministers of God that preach His truths strictly according to His Word, as well. Jesus shows us in the Bible, how to decipher whom is which.

Ephesians 4:14-16: "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning."

3. Catholicism teaches that sacraments like baptism and communion are necessary to receive grace and achieve salvation.

Will we listen to God or man? That would fall under Ephesians 2:8-9 - "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." God could not have made it any clearer than that.

The Bible teaches that salvation is an instantaneous gift, received through faith in Jesus Christ alone - a gift is free, not worked for. Only God and His sacred scriptures have authority to tell us what it takes to be saved.

4. Other differences. Catholicism emphasizes the importance of the Virgin Mary and the saints and the papacy. Notice that the Bible's focus is fully and solely on Jesus Christ for salvation and mediation. Did you know that the Bible describes "saints" as those who have invited Jesus into their hearts and lives as Savior? Nowhere in scripture does it say to pray to Saints. What an insult that would be to God after all the pain and suffering he went to on the cross to be our Mediator.

5. Catholicism claims that Roman Catholicism is the largest branch of Christianity, so all Roman Catholics are Christian, but not all Christians are Roman Catholic.

So what are they saying? That all Christians should be Roman Catholic? That's certainly what it sounds like. As I mentioned in my post, salvation is an individual matter, not a denominational one.
LadyGrace · 70-79
In “ Catholic” school, and that was, if you believe in someone you call God or Allah or what other name a person has for who they believe in; but are devout and good people, it has nothing to do with “ eternal fate”.

What we believe and Whom we believe in, does determine our eternal destination.

It's important to note that Jesus emphasized that no good works can get us to heaven, no matter how devout we are.

I would also like to mention that it matters who we believe in and call on. Is Allah the same person we call Jehovah God? Many people question that and wonder if they have been told the truth.

The assumption that Allah is the same as Jehovah is incorrect, because the two are different gods with different characteristics and attributes.

Attributes: The God of the Bible and the God of Islam have different characteristics.

Trinity: The God of the Bible is a Trinity, while the God of Islam is not.

Relationship to Israelites: The Qur'an portrays Allah as a universal deity, while Yahweh closely followed the Israelites.

Origin: The name Allah may come from the Arabic word al-Ilāh, which means "the God". That could mean any god. The word for god in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) was il, el, or eloah.

Some Islamic scholars believe that Allah was a pagan deity before Islam developed. He was one of many gods worshipped by the Arabs. The Bible explicitly states that there is only one God

The Islamic tradition believes that Christians and Jews worship the same God that Muslims worship. However, the theology of Christianity and Islam are different at several essential points.

When studying scripture, consider the context, historical background, and overall message of God. He has clearly stated that there is only one God, and serving multiple deities is considered idolatry.

Deuteronomy 6:4: "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one."

Exodus 20:3: "You shall have no other gods before me."

Matthew 6:24: "No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money."
@LadyGrace Yesss!!!!!
Amen sister!

Even this Anglican knows that salvation is solely by grace through faith in Christ, not ourselves 😎
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IM5688 · 61-69, M
To answer your question, Can your denomination REALLY decide your eternal fate? The answer is YES, but not so much the denomination, but rather what that particular domination teaches you, (if anything,) about salvation.
Of course, what a person chooses to learn and/or accept and believe because of the denomination they choose is entirely up them.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@IM5688 I see what you're saying and understand your position, but my whole point was that if it was just up to choosing a certain Church to go to for salvation, that alone would not save you. No denomination can save us... it's up to what we decide to do with Christ. We can do one of two things. Except him or reject him. We could even leave denomination out of it, because people do get saved that don't go to church.

Another example is there are a couple of churches on this site that individuals promote and the attendance claim that if you don't go to my church then you can't be saved.

As to your point, I agree that it's important that you choose the right Church that preaches the pure gospel from God's own Word, because Jesus said to test the spirits and if you're going to a church that doesn't preach the pure gospel, He said to leave that church and find one that does. No denomination can decide our fate. They can preach the gospel but they can't decide for us. And that's why I say that salvation is an individual matter, not a denominational one. For those reasons, I still say no.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace I should have worded it better. Denomination doesn't decide your eternal fate, but your choice in denomination and how it is taught does.

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