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The message of Our Lady. "EVEN IF YOU HAVE MONEY, YOU CAN'T BUY FOOD."

Praised be Jesus Christ and Mary Ever Virgin.
Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Our Lady's message to all God's Children for the End Times.
Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart: I am the gate of heaven, therefore I call you constantly to save souls and to be messengers of God the Father's love.
My Son's People are the People who follow the Divine Will, sharing with their brothers and sisters the Merciful Love that emanates from the Sacred Heart of my Son.


I am sad to see some of my children, who are faithful to my Son, turn away, separate, become cold, confused, tainted by quarrels, jealousy and modernist interpretations contrary to my Son, so that the snares of evil spread over the earth to divide, because in division, the devil surrounds souls and separates them from my Son's flock.
This generation is immersed in great confusion in every aspect of life, but most of all it is being held in a serious and growing tide of spiritual error that is drawing you in and away from true doctrine.
It is necessary to keep faith in the promises of salvation, which are neither ephemeral nor an illusion, but are the great reality that the People of God will come to encounter.

I suffer for the youth who look for any pretext to run away from my Son, allowing themselves to be carried away by the subtleties of the devil to keep them from fulfilling the commandments and sacraments, denying sound doctrine and not knowing right from wrong.
Those who approach my Son with a genuine desire for salvation need no explanation or justification; for those who turn away from my Son, no word is enough, no deed or work is credible.

I suffer for those who, calling themselves Christians and receiving my son in the Holy Eucharist, joyfully create divisions in the works of God's people.
These children of mine will suffer so much in the warning!
At this moment, the devil attacks the thinking, sensitivity and mind of man.
Satan's weapon is division, so you are constantly called to unity and love.
You should remember that man has a spiritual body and this is where you must work hard to understand that you must exhale good without being degraded by the pleasures of the world: they distract you from true life in my Son.
You must be messengers of the Divine truth: there is life after death.
Sin is sin, and you must confess and make reparation for it.

You are going through hard times and you will have even harder times where, although you have money, you cannot buy food: you will remember how you used to throw away food, and in that moment you will want it.
My Son's Church will go into darkness because of misbehavior and that will be when the prophecies are fulfilled one by one, leaving you no time to breathe - therefore: Pray the Holy Rosary in spirit and in truth!
Beloved children of my Immaculate Heart: In families, communities, as far as you can, you must prepare shelters, which will be called shelters of sacred hearts.

In these places, stock up on food and everything necessary for those who come to them; do not be selfish, protect your brothers and sisters with the love of the divine word contained in Sacred Scripture, having before you the precepts of God's law; in this way you will endure the fulfillment of the revelations with greater strength if you are united in faith.
The destruction in Nature and among people is increasing.
You are the cause and witness of this, living outside the harmony of Heavenly Father.
The winds are blowing with greater force, Nature has already changed - she is not the one who looks kindly on a man who lives, works and does wrong, trampling himself and the brother he should love.

Pray, My children, pray.
My children, you are forgetting the spiritual life, the ascension and the Divine Love that must be revived within you.
You do not truly love as you believe you love my Son, otherwise love for my Son would overcome all the unforeseen events of life and you would be constantly beside my Son, for the sake of your brothers and sisters.

I have asked you to love my Son and in order to love Him you must know Him, and it is in knowing that you are in danger, when the human creature loses its sense of the spiritual danger that exists, when arrogance sets in and man thinks he knows too much about matters of Heaven.
As God's creatures, you are children of God's will, therefore do not claim any more than the grace of wanting what God wants from each of you.
The evil one sees in you a thirst for knowledge and the cunning of the infernal serpent attacks man more strongly when he senses the tenacity with which My children persevere and try to stay close to My Son; then he attacks them on various fronts, and one of them, a very delicate one, is the intellect, where the fights begin through speculation and bloated pride, supported by demons that prowl the earth to choose their spoils.

Beloved children, the faith of so many creatures is failing at such a speed that the few who endure will have to return to the catacombs as a result of persecution due to the great spiritual tragedy in which a great part of humanity is living.
Do not remain motionless in the face of Satan's possibilities.
Make reparation in the face of this crisis of humanity's faith, offer your sufferings for hearts infected with the scourge of immorality; pray and fast for lack of love towards my Son.
Apostasy is rampant, stupidity has brought you to this state.

My Son is suffering for His children and you are ignoring Him.
Children, how are you preparing to accompany my Son in His offering of Love for all humanity?
Are you aware of how delicate and decisive this moment is for faith?
How much must humanity repent?
How much must humanity suffer?
How much do my Son's people need to be strengthened to persevere in faith?
Offer love to my Son, ask nothing more, the rest will be given in addition.

Be protectors of your brothers; unite so that evil does not catch you unexpectedly.
Be united to my Son, go to your Traveling Companions for help, do not forget your Angels, they will comfort you in times of pain.
Get ready, live with my Son every moment of His painful Passion and meet again with love in spirit and in truth.
Accept My Maternal Blessing and may My Maternal Protection be with you.

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