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There is no love more perfect for us. God doesn't look for your every fault.

It is so easy to get absorbed in this world, as people have busy lives and have little time to contemplate, but they do make time for the latest doom and gloom news! This is where we need to guard our hearts and minds. If we want them to think in a certain way, we must train ourselves to do so, and resist the temptations and suggestions from the devil. We must be careful of the thoughts we entertain.

When I was a kid, I had very strict parents. I was a really good kid but it seemed I could do no right, as far as my mom was concerned. Dad...strict, but he didn't seem to look for fault, like mom did. There was no trust on her part, and not much on dad's either, only I felt like he just wanted to protect me from the world. I never understood why mom never trusted me and was so critical, until I considered later in life, her own abusive upbringing. Then I felt sorry for her. Mom did the best she could under the circumstances.

I thank God, he just let's me be myself. He loves you and I, regardless of our faults. There's no fear in perfect love, as the Bible says, and God's love is perfect. God does not look at us as either "good" or "bad". That's because he already loves us and he does not base his love on our performance. The only thing God wants to do in our lives, is to help us, love us, and show us a better way. I know in his perfect love, he trusts me, because he shows me in his unconditional love for me. No matter when or if, I mess up, he's not breathing down my neck, looking for every little fault or mistake to beat me over the head with. He's never prying with critical eyes, so he can judge me. He loves me and trusts me, which set me free from my parent's constant fault-finding, which brought me shame. When you have such a perfect love like Jesus', the Truth and genuine love, sets you free. There is no fear or guilt. No hiding. You know you're loved, because you're accepted just as you are, faults and all, and you'll never be held in suspicion or abandoned. Never be expected to be anyone but yourself...whatever way that is.

When things fall apart, we can try and remember that the impediment to action, advances action. What impedes us, can empower and motivate us. Obstacles are an opportunity to turn to the One who truly loves us and cares for us. Life's challenges help teach us to practice virtue, patience, courage, humility, perseverance, resourcefulness, reason, creativity, gratitude, and gain courage.

These stepping stones lead to self-control, truth, excellence, wisdom, and the door that opens to good things in life: Self-reflection, self-respect, confidence, peace, joy, self-love and acceptance, maturity, security, and confidence.

Jesus believes in you, trusts you, loves you, and always encourages you. You are valued in such high esteem, and so precious to him, there are no words to express the depth of his love for you. You can breathe...soak, and relax in his perfect love. This is what pure love looks like. He always wants to think his best of us. He always cloaks us in the warmth and acceptance of His love...shielding and protecting us under His sweet, loving wings. It is a love worth knowing and living for. There's just none other like it. You don't have to feel ashamed over mistakes. He already knows about them, even before you make them, yet loves and wants you, anyway. Always, and through eternity. It is so sweet, peaceful, and joyful to relax in His love, care, and protection. He is our respite in a crazy, angry, confused world. His Holy Spirit brings a peace, love, and joy, beyond all understanding. For you, me, or anyone who wishes to have it. Simply tell him so, because He's waiting for you to come with open arms, so He can share all his love with you, too. Forever.

You never have to work to please Him or earn His love or favor. You already have it! If you want it. The Truth of Jesus, sets the captive free. And when you are free in Him, you are free, indeed! You are His...forever.

DanielsASJ · 36-40, M Best Comment
There are moments in Bible throughout, which show the unconditional love of Jesus, a few of which I could recall.

1) He goes to the house of tax collector even though when Peter did not like it at first. Normally, any man does not go to his friend's enemy. But Our lord does because he loves everyone whosoever accepts him.

2) The thief on the cross did not even know him till his last time but developed faith in him. And yes, the faith was UNCONDITIONAL. unconditional, I say because on the other side, there was another thief mocking him and the majority of the crowd was mocking. Despite that he asked Jesus Christ to receive him. And in a heartbeat, Jesus Christ, knowing his heart said, "You Wil be in heaven with me" What a glorious Lord he is.

Proud of myself in a right way to love Jesus Christ.

And proud of myself to have a teacher like you and brothers in Christ like they are in here.
@DanielsASJ those are beautiful examples, thank you. And you are a beautiful person with a heart for God and I know he's proud of you, as am I.

So true sister, it is so easy to forget God's infinite grace and think of him like a strict parent!
@BritishFailedAesthetic There's no fear in perfect love, as the Bible says, and God's love is perfect. God does not look at us as either "good" or "bad". That's because he already loves us and he does not base his love on our performance. The only thing God wants to do in our lives, is to help us, love us, and show us a better way.
mainvane · 61-69, M
you express your faith so beautifully❤
@mainvane Thank you. I have loved the Lord since I first gave my heart and life to him on July 21st, 1973. I have never been sorry and he has never let me down.
mainvane · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace I admire your faithfulness
@mainvane I have always felt like since he did so much for me, especially to give his life and pay for my sins on the cross, I cannot give him less. I'm not perfect by any means and I mess up, but I always try to give my best to God. To me, he is the only one who is worthy enough to be loved and praised as Savior.

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