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Forgiveness comes from all places

. Well I was incarcerated I meant a young gentleman through not the best of circumstances. The first time I encountered this person was during a misunderstanding with another individual which resulted in four other individuals trying to as it is referred to in the joint Rush our cell. My cellmate was present at the time and stood up to have my back as things are supposed to be by the rules inside. After the situation resolved and thankfully no one had to be hurt, several weeks went by without incident. The primary instigator was transferred to another pod and coincidentally I was housed with one of the other individuals. At first it was a little bit of a tense experience but we kept to ourselves as cooler heads prevailed. We gradually actually got to know each other and began to form a bit of a friendship. We would share nacho plates and movie night, and even joke and talk about our personal lives. As time were on he began to go to prayer call. One evening he returned with a cross and I really liked it. It was even my favorite color. Goods like this fetch approximately 50 to $60 on the inside which is a decent little amount of commissary. However he kept it and after a while he himself was due for transfer. One day out of the blue he came to me and sat at the table, and I was unsure of the way he approached and talked to him with quiet apprehension. Suddenly he formed tears in his eyes and looked at me and said. I came here not to fight with you but to ask your forgiveness because I was shortsighted in judging your character, and I asked that you forgive me for being ignorant. I looked at him and after a minute the only thing I could bring myself to say was brother there is nothing to forgive because I do understand that I can be very difficult to deal with sometimes, and do not always make the best decisions myself. He hugged me and pulled something out of his pocket. He said I know you have had your eyes on this for some time and it was put on my heart to give it to you as a gift of gratitude. Since then it hangs on the rear view mirror of my car to remind me, that anyone can be given a second chance, if their heart is good and forgiveness should never be taken lightly. Maybe there is a God after all

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