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Resounding gong and clanging cymbal SB List


The old me, who is still here, wants to share an updated list as i've added and will add in a week to make this full list what will launch me into the Abrahamic stratosphere. I am also gonna read a One Year Chronological KJV bible, and i'd like to read that like i would a page turner, because i want to have read the whole bible as a narrative, and then go back and study it closer.

Thank you to my friend who let me know about Bible Recap, a down to earth coarse where it's not all tangled up with ego puffing up knowledge uppers, but getting to know God, which is what the Bible is supposed to be for those who believe.

Speaking of these things is a weighty matter, and i acknowledge the fact that the thing i must fear is not someone being offended, but with me short shrifting the sources i'm talking about. That is what i hope to be improved in at a later date.

So here is my SB's with brief descriptions

1 - ESV Journaling Study Bible -- this is arriving today, it has lots of space on the pages for note taking.

2 - 1599 Geneva Bible -- not easy to navigate, cries out for a better ebook edition, we have a leather version here, so i shouldn't complain.

3 - The Reformation Heritage KJV SB -- Joel Beeke's, a haven for Reformed minded believers

4 - The ESV Reformation SB -- RC Sproul's, the pound for pound Reformed SB heavyweight champion of the WORLD!!

5 - The ESV SB -- often cited as one of the best SB's

6 - The Grace and Truth SB NIV -- just got this today, Albert Mohler edited it, he's a good guy who has a YouTube channel which discusses current events in a sane manner, which is precious these days.

7 - NIV, Biblical Theology SB -- this is coming on Sunday, in Hardcover, i will be getting more physical SB's in the future, and perhaps no more for the kindle as they can cause my Paperwhite to crash.

8 - NET Bible, Full-notes Edition -- it might come on Sunday, but it may have to wait a week, it's got the most notes in a single volume SB 60,000 of them!!


9 - ESV Literary SB -- in a week, to appreciate the style

10 - ESV Church History SB -- in a week, with annotations from ancients up to folks like CS Lewis

11 - MacArthur SB – NKJV -- this is the last listed here that can be put into the Reformed camp, MacArthur however has a different slant on eschatology.

12 - The Lutheran SB -- this was expensive, so i should be having many hours getting to know it better and thinking, yeah worth every penny!!

13 - Cultural Backgrounds SB -- it finally dawned on me to get the Kindle App, and sure enough, i can now do that and see the nice full color pictures!!

14 - NLT SB -- it's nice, haven't formed a definite POV on it yet besides it being nice.

15 - The NIV SB -- the fully revised and expanded edition

16 - Life Application SB NASB -- one of the most popular study bibles, pure fun on that alone, like think of it, when you think of study bibles, is fun what you're thinking of? Well this is that!!

17 - The Abide Bible – NET -- i will be getting this in a week, in a imitation leather version, so i can appreciate the layout better, it's a special resource that isn't technically a SB.

18 - Ancient Faith SB – CSB -- Patristic insights

19 - The Catholic SB -- these RC SB's aren't as enjoyable to me as the protestant ones, maybe i just need to lighten up, like hey these have the Apocrypha, how cool is that??

20 - The Didache Bible -- not impressed with this

21 - The Revised New Jerusalem Bible -- same as above

22 - The Orthodox SB -- This is a little better than 19 to 21

These are just the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more in my kindle to help further these kinds of studies, and if you the reader are still with me here, let me just say that for me this is a big deal, all my life i've had issues with this belief system, owing largely to how i process and endure the guy who was 50% responsible for my existence. If this mega study is successful it will remain for the rest of my life, if it fails, i have to never talk about these things ever again, and indeed it would be better never to talk online again, i would in that case be reading the classics of fine literature, or the page turning thrillers, or apply for the Soup Nazi position in town.

I never want to be like some here who angrily and in an ugly and abusive manner share their spiritual POV's, but i will surely always be full of faults, as that is what being human is.

Peace, and love to my SWomies 😎
oh my goodness! so many! i hope you never become the soup nazi.
@AliceinWonderland Sooner would i be a Dishwasher socialist!! ;)

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