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Don't confuse Hebrews 4:11 to mean you can lose your salvation.

Hebrews 4:11 NIV says:

"Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will perish by following their example of disobedience."

This version seems to lead one to believe that they could lose their salvation, given the use of the word "perish" here. Actually, no one can lose their salvation because they happened to sin. They can lose heavenly rewards, but never their salvation:

As Paul says in I Corinthians 3:15: "If anyone's work is consumed, he will suffer loss, but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire." Holy Spirit fire-testing, not hell fire.

Now look at the difference in the wording in the King James version of Hebrews 4:11:

Hebrews 4:11 KJV
Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

This is why we have to be careful of what version of the Bible we use. This is why I like to stick with the King James version, personally. It's amazing how a couple words can completely change the meaning and that's not what I want when I'm studying the Word of God. Here's why:

There's a huge difference between perish and fall. Though we may "fall" from grace when we sin, this does not mean we lose our salvation! It means that fellowship with God has been interrupted because of sin we have committed, however, fellowship is quickly restored, once we confess our sins and are forgiven. For example, say you had an argument with one member of the family. That creates tension and an interruption in fellowship, until that Fellowship is once again restored; not lose of love or abandonment.

This verse is part of a larger passage in Hebrews 3:7-4:13, which encourages believers to faithfulness and warns against hardness of heart and disobedience, using the example of the Israelites in the wilderness.

In this context, "enter that rest" refers to:

The spiritual rest or peace that comes from faith in God.
The promise of eternal life and salvation.
The idea of ceasing from one's own works and efforts, and trusting in God's finished work.

The verse is urging believers to:

Strive to maintain a deepening relationship with God.
Avoid the consequences of disobedience and unbelief, and
Find spiritual rest and peace in their walk with God.

The verse is not about salvation, but about living a life of faith, trust, and obedience, and experiencing the rest and peace that comes from being in a right relationship with God.
Great exposition sister- it's not much of a salvation if we can lose it!
That's right brother. The blood of Christ is not so watered down, nor His promises, that they will not secure!
@LadyGrace As a song says "Everythong changes but you stay the same" and that includes Christ's promise to all those who come to him!
@BritishFailedAesthetic I agree that God's promises to us never change, neither does He. We as individuals do change and that change is very necessary as we learn and grow in Christ, for which we can be very thankful.

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