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God's Good News is far better than your morning newspaper.

The above is a beautiful representation of the love and goodness that the Bible represents. The open Bible, with a heart at its center, symbolizes the love and guidance that it offers. And the words "Good News" captures the essence of the Bible's message of hope, redemption, and salvation.

The Bible is more up to date than tomorrow's newspaper!

Many mornings, you've woken up to headlines about things or people who have failed you. However, God’s Word offers you a headline that never changes; the unsinkable anchor to this particular turbulent day... that no matter what day of the week it is, God's love for you, never fails.

Can you even imagine being so important to God, that each morning He wants to make sure that you know He still loves you?!! His promise to you, is that He will never leave you, nor abandon you, as others might do.

Psalm 143:8 - "Let me hear in the morning of Your unfailing love, for in You I trust. Help me know the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.”

The most important information God wants you to wake up to each morning, is that His love is still unfailing for you! No matter what went on the day before, every morning you wake up, God says, 'I still love you, and I'll never stop."

I love that word “unfailing”. It defines God's love as “without error; reliable and constant.” It is so wonderful that God wants us to know at the beginning of each day, that His love for us is “without error; reliable and constant”. Who else do you know that can give such an unfailing guarantee of their love for you, like God?

Often, many of us spend much of our lives looking for that one special person who will love us perfectly for the rest of our lives. However, more often than not, we often end up disappointed, hurt, distraught, betrayed...and the sad thing is, once the tears dry up, we’re back at square one, trying to find someone that can love us without fail!

People will let us down. Their love will fall short, compared to God's unfailing love. In fact, no love is perfect like God's love, because only God can guarantee such perfect, everlasting love.

His love for you is unconditional. God said that none of us are so bad or "too bad", that we cannot be saved. We can start a brand new life in Christ, and that is super good news! Though He doesn't like some of the things we do, He still loves us as a person, and that will never change. However, if we say we love God, we will want to do better each day...not want to sin.

In David's Psalm, he is simply saying, “That’s all I need to know about this day. This day may be filled with stress, pressure, danger, and challenges, but all I need to know is that I’m still covered by the unfailing love of my Heavenly Father.”, and that's because David trusted in the Lord. He knew that wherever he went, God was right there with him. David loved the Lord with all his heart, soul, and mind, and he knew that God would always be there for him and had the provision of a God whose love for him was uninterrupted and impossible to lose. And that's the way God cares for each and every one of us.

So the best news and hope we could ever have, is that Jesus turns no one away, who wants to have their sins forgiven, then start a brand new life in Christ. There's always room at the cross for one more!

BritishFailedAesthetic · M Best Comment
Whether you're a Christian who prefers MSBC or Fox News or in the UK The Guardian or The Telegraph......

Isn't this a great article to motivate you to read The Bible first thing before your daily news!

Indeed the daily news will only bring misery... God's word will bring eternal hope!

Oh yes, never boring! We could study from now till we go home to be with the Lord and we would never learn everything there is to know about God, His love, nor the great sacrifice he made for us.
@LadyGrace Noone can answer my question- what book apart from God's word can you read everyday for the rest of your life and never get bored of it?
@BritishFailedAesthetic oh absolutely! It teaches me something new everyday and it will never run out of the best resource for wisdom and guidance.

DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Good Morning Grace. Yes, The common newspaper contains everything but not the affirmation of God. Happy to read God''s newspaper.
@DanielsASJ Yes, it symbolizes the love and guidance that it offers. And the words "Good News" captures the essence of the Bible's message of hope, redemption, and salvation.
jackieash · 26-30
I'm told fish and chip shops (called "Chippys"- I hate that colloquialism and don't usually use it) used to wrap fish and chips in newspaper, back in the day. I don't remember that, myself. I don't suppose using pages from the bible would be much use to wrap them in.
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@jackieash That's the truth, but not all are like that and we have to remember that we're each accountable for our own selves before God and how we had treated people.
@jackieash I believe some of those ministers that ran people off, may not even make it into heaven. They might be shocked, but a good rule for all of us to remember, is do unto others, as we would have them do unto us.

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