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My current thoughts on Christianity

This shall conclude a 2 wake period period of time of oversharing and being a nuisance to the general public of Similar Worlds. Part of the reason i need SW is that it is the only way i can write out my thoughts, there's a magic in being here writing my stupidities in public that never happens when i try to write in private.

Christianity, as being for me a problem is in 2 parts

1. The fundamental thing is that i am only attracted to consumption of the doctrine part, and all the major figures in the writing of this faith, with a theological bias for no reason touching upon the heart, the wellspring of emotions, for that my fealty is to the trinity of interests -- literature (as an art form) film and music both also as art forms.

2. The faith as expressed by dad, which is enswirling tornado fashion in the labyrinth, the labyrinth was just referenced in The Eye of the World, a character says to keep turning the same direction to get out, but this is nonsense really for often you'll reach a dead end and half to backtrack.

No dead ends though -- and i shall perhaps experience a new interest in theology, the sense of being whisked away, forgetting a fundamental thing, hey i was meaning to mention this earlier, but better late than never, and yes it was partially made note of, of only being interested in consuming it, the other part of that is a complete and absolute refusal to let this belief infect how i choose to enjoy life, enjoying life is with the trinity of interests, they are the places and the vibes i wish to go on endless journeys with, and i live with the alternative, endlessly going on about a God so full of love and preciousness but also paired with the most mind numbing boring dialogue about the most banal things imaginable, and i also may add embarrassing amounts of pitiful moaning, being singled out for bad luck, bad treatment at restaurants, bosses and job affiliated persons being unimaginably mean to him, and so much more, all of this is intertwined in my psyche with Christianity. When i want Christianity, no wonder am i right that i go to the pros, the solid orthodox protestant theologians, and by that point, putting it all into practice leaves me feeling dog gone tired, so flippin' tired i don't care, it's the kind of tired that begins early on in life and gathers and increases.

Off to a fantasy land now, thanks for letting me do this, if i make you think of things you would rather not think about, please at least mute me, i desire no ill for anyone.
The power of clarity compels me to add further thoughts here, so that i can come back and get caught up quickly, these are always condensed symbolical almost shorthand for the unforgiving forest of the mind.

The pro Christianity for me is to understand the faith that is the faith i was in a way born into, this is old time wording for sure, for readers of this, it is essential to know that i'm a quitter, i don't have any energy to do normal ventures, the ventures do-able are of zee mind.

I sure do suck at wording things, of presenting this jumble of barely cohesive sentences often with misspellings, and awkwardness oh it is a reflection my dearies of the AWKWARDNESS that is home life.

Pro Christianity is just learning and appreciating, what majestic doctrines, what a great story it is, how utterly unlike what is human.

Few months ago i took some college level courses they were video lectures, i was surrounding my senses with higher religious learning, but what happened was that nothing happened, it's like it's a mirage, but i hallucinate something powerful there in it, and then i get closer and poof, and i just resume in a previous phase i had abandoned for this wild goose chase into the studious minds of John Owen and co.

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