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Our Battle is Not With God, But Against Evil in This World

Ephesians Chapter 6: "Put on the full Armor of God, so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of the devil. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but with principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and the evil spirits in the heavens."

Jesus' whole purpose in coming to earth was to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on us; NOT to condemn us. John 3:17

Sin always keeps us separated from God, until we receive his forgiveness as our personal Savior. Jesus gives us the invitation for salvation; it's up to us to receive it. I cannot receive your gift unless I reach out and accept it from your hands. If I do not wish to accept your invitation and special gift, then I cannot blame you, as you offered it to me freely and from the love of your heart.

This is the way salvation works as well. God gives everyone in the world the invitation to be saved from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us. However, there will be those who insist they want nothing to do with God, hate him, curse and laugh at God, and refuse his free gift of salvation, though God gave his best and tried to save them. Salvation is freely offered with love, but some still insist they want nothing to do with God or salvation. In this situation, God sadly grants the desire of their heart.

They cannot say that the offer was not there. It was.

They just didn't want it.

That is not God's fault. It is theirs.

teachmetiger210503 · 36-40, M
Truly said . Thanks
Spurgeon did a great example on this point of God's free love in Morning and Evening- a thirsty rich person but who, out of pride, refuses to drink from the public water fountain!

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