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Do you walk by faith or feelings?

For those who like bible study, here is something we need to remember.

Faith, Not Feelings

Too many people try to get acquainted with God through their personal feelings. When they feel good, they think God has heard their prayers. If they don’t feel particularly good they think He has not heard them. Their faith is based on their feelings whereas it should be based on God’s word.

A ‘Thomas’ Faith
John 20:29 "Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

Thomas was one who based his faith upon his feelings, upon what his physical senses told him. He said that he would not believe unless he could see with his own eyes the prints of the nails in Jesus’ hands, and touch these nail prints with his own hands. He relied on what he could see and touch, not on what God had to say. We have so many like Thomas today, who believe only what they feel, believe only what they can see, hear, or touch. But real faith in God is based upon the Word of God. Real faith in the Word says, “If God says it is true, it is.” Believing God is believing His Word. If God’s Word says He hears me, then I know he hears me because He says so and His Word cannot lie.

If our faith is based upon feelings, then we are just using a natural human faith. We cannot get spiritual results with natural human faith. We have to use scriptural faith, Bible faith, believing in God’s Word. If our faith is based upon the Word of God, then we believe the Word, regardless of evidences that would satisfy our physical senses.

Anyone can believe what he can feel, hear, or see. We live and operate in the physical realm most of the time, and obviously, we have to walk by sight then. But when it comes to spiritual things, then we don’t walk by sight – we walk by faith.

Walking in the natural, we do have to go by our physical senses, but our physical senses have nothing to do with the Bible. God’s Word is true, whether we feel that it is or whether circumstances appear that it is or not. God’s Word is true. “For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).

Formula for Faith
First, use God’s Word for whatever you may be seeking; second, believe God’s Word; third, refuse to consider the contradictory circumstances, or what your physical senses may tell you about it; and fourth, give praise to God for the answer.

“For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven” (Psalm 119:89).

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only…” (James 1:22).
saintsong · 41-45, F
I fell because I played with tarot cards which I received as a Birthday present on my 19th Birthday Feb 2000. One month later I started hearing voices disguising themselves as an Angel of light telling me to leave my fiance, the father of my identical twins...6 weeks later I met my temptation my dentist whom I lived out the Song of Solomon and the begining of the book of Hosea with...The devil planted in my mind that it was wrong to love him, after my resistance and curiosity I convinced myself how right it was it was just like the book of the Song of Solomon in the end sheol was just as unyielding as my love for him, Just like the song by Ginny Owens she sings.... I had sold my soul by vying for love by being nice, I thought I was in control but I was such a slave until God came and saved my life... I had a very hard time believing in Jesus Christ I was a false Christ, for I too experienced the highest of highs and the lowest of lows, mistaken identity, walking through the desert being tempted by the devil, But I felt what felt like rain upon my body, little did I know that it was the blood of Christ washing my soul clean, soon all of my clocks had stopped, like I was taken to another time and place suffering from the screams of hell, when all of a sudden I saw in a vision of the Cross, which silenced the screams, and was accompanied by a loud cracking sound like the sound of rocks splitting, and from that moment I could smell the sweetest perfume, the fragrance of LIFE, Christ died to give me His LIFE, which was a fragrant aroma unto the Father when He died upon the Cross, blessed are those who haven't seen and yet believed...I wouldn't want anyone to suffer from what I suffered from to witness my true redemption or the valley of the shadow of death living until my darkness turned into Light.....I hear Him He speaks my language, He continues to increase my faith by proving to me that all scripture is God breathed by Him sharing old and new testament which was spoken to me through children all over North America, and giving me tongues of Angels to which I grabbed my neck cause I came out like breathing powerful and soft, saying that there is a young woman who just wishes that someone would just touch her and view her as a gift, Inner beauty comes from a calm and gentle spirit, He who is without sin cast the first stone, and those who call upon the Lord He will show them great and mighty things that of which you did not know...He spoke my language and I spoke in tongues of men and of Angels for real, my husband quit doing Crystal Meth that night, my past was fixed with the dentist, and Those words were fitting for how I feel about the Lord, I want Him to touch me and view me as a gift! I am a believer because He made me believe!!![media=]
val70 · 51-55
In total honesty, both, because a being human one can't help but having feelings. What to do with those is the real question. Somehow it reminds me of someone asking you for the moon, the total attention to their needs and wants, and then you discover that you're not actually the sole person for your beau or belle. They ask you to bear all, to give all, and then there's betrayal. It all starts with the feeling of wanting to dive into the pool of togetherness and then you discover yourself that the water wasn't there in the first place. It's way too easy to be libertine. In the real world one needs to pay attention to the feelings of others too. So it's faith that needs to be first. Love God and love your neighbour like yourself. Easily said, but yes, not really easily done
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Usually both...

Sometimes my mind fools me I'm useless.
@FreestyleArt that's what Satan would have you believe, that you're useless. He wants to undermine and diminish your self-confidence. But he can only do that if you allow it. Pay him no mind and just move on. You're more powerful than you think you are and more resilient
Woohoo! Amen sister! So perfectly put, as this is CRUCIAL!
YourFriend4ever · 26-30, F
Amen. God is wonderful.

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