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If there's one thing the Bible doesn't teach, is that God saves "some" and not others.

That is why I cannot support R. C. Sproul, nor his book entitled, All Christians Believe in Predestination. No...they don't. Not if they know their Bible. If that's the case, then they're calling God a liar, according to John 3:16 and 17. This is plain as day. Jesus calls ALL to be saved:

"For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that WHOSOEVER believes in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life."

We must not take scripture out of context! That's what those who believe in predestination, do. They also misinterpret scripture. It is clear that Jesus came to save all, not just some. Not just certain denominations or religious groups. God included everyone. Jesus said everyone would have the chance to hear the gospel and decide if they want to follow Him or not:

Matthew 24:14 says, "And this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and THEN shall the end come.

The blood of Jesus covers all who will come to Him that want to have eternal life in heaven.

The verse in John 6:44, which some use to prove that Jesus only came to save some, is sadly misinterpreted. What an insult to our Almighty Savior, to suggest that Jesus came to save only some.

John 6:44 states that "No one can come to Jesus, unless the God the Father who sent Him, will bring him." Off-hand, that would appear to say that God the Father has only chosen "certain ones" that He wants with Him in heaven. That cannot be an accurate interpretation, given John 3:16. What Jesus is saying here, is that coming to Jesus for repentance, will not happen, without the intervention of God. And we know He does this through the Holy Spirit.

When we look at John 16:8-11, we see that it speaks of the Holy Spirit, The Comforter...."When HE has come, He will convict the world of sin and righteousness..." not just some.

Another verse that is misinterpreted in favor of predestination, is Ephesians 1:4-6:

"In LOVE, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will..."

What IS His will, exactly? That none perish! Not one! Since salvation cannot be earned, God did NOT save us according to who is "bad or good". There or none that are good according to scripture, because we all have the sinful nature and God understands that. That's why he came to save each and every one of us. He never leaves one of His creation behind!! Our Lord is the Good Shepherd and He goes out of His way to save even one lost sheep! He gave His life to save ALL. Praise God for that! Not even ONE has to be left behind!!

So Ephesians 1:4-6, we can see that it was in love, that God predestined us for adoption, not separation, but to Sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will, and to the praise of His glorious grace, which He has freely given us for His Father, whom He loves.

"For God did not come into this world to condemn the world, but that the world, through HIM, might be SAVED." John 3:17.

Each and every one in the world is called to be saved by God, through the Holy Spirit. And those whom God has called to be saved, He loves with all his heart.

Predestination never means that God only loves and saves certain ones. It simply means that God, being omniscient, already knew who would accept His free gift of salvation, and much to His grief, who would not. Even having this knowledge, Jesus still offered His life, without reservation. Would you die to save someone, though you knew they would care less? No, but Jesus did. No one will ever love us like Jesus.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Yes, If God came for just some, he would not have had apostles go this far to convey his Gospel to everyone. The Gospel travelled the world by Mid 20th century and then began the rumors of the end of the world. Here, point to be noted is it was told that we will get to hear rumors but it will not be the end.

I think now is the time of internet where Gospel could go to every ear and many from the North, west, East and South will be saved not by predestination but by the development of unconditional Love towards our Lord, Our God
@DanielsASJ Yes!!! And FROM our Lord God. You have understanding of the Gospel. Nothing better than that. Thank you for that.
Djc58 · 56-60, M
You’re clearly a Christian and knowledgeable, but predestination, better defined as the Doctrine of Election is absolutely Biblical, with 24 or so direct references in the New Testament alone.
Nor does it make God a liar.
The whole God’s foreknowledge issue has been debunked by Christian scholars for centuries, especially since the Reformation.
It makes no sense (and is logically inconsistent )for God to have foreknowledge of what He also doesn’t ordain. Besides being unbiblical. Otherwise He’s not omniscient, not omnipotent, and not in control.
It’s impossible to cover in just one post, but here is part of the misunderstanding:
1) Free Will is not inconsistent with the doctrine of election. Others explain it better, but while humans are limited, God is not. Each person makes their decision, even as God ordains it. If that were not so, then all would be arbitrary, out of control and based on luck. Obviously that’s not God’s creation.
2) Why - first understand the purpose of Creation, as explained in Romans… the Psalms, the prophets, etc. it is to display God in all His characteristics- including perfect justice, righteous wrath, as well as majesty, love, mercy and Grace. God is not the author of Evil, but it exists and displays God’s will to defeat it.
3) the Lord literally hardens the heart (and vision) of the unsaved. Pulling away their opportunity to understand. Multiple biblical passages state that.

You are a true and loving Christian, but you misunderstand this point.
@Djc58 I absolutely love and appreciate that you took the time to contribute and voice your opinion to this post! Thank you so much for that.

I do hope you read all my points. I have definitely read all of yours.

Yes! Absolutely. Predestination is definitely addressed in the Bible. I've never disagreed with that. John Calvin wrote The Doctrine of Election. I disagree with his doctrine because if God determined who would be saved and who would not, that would take away mankind's free will. That means that some would have no chance at having salvation and John 3:16 would mean nothing.

The fallacy of predestination, is that there are no actual "possibilities" due to predestination. If you cannot do otherwise when you act, you do not act freely. Your interpretation of Predestination would eliminate choice. God is love personified. He does not make our choices for us, that is biblically clear. To allow one person to choose and not the other, would show favoritism and partiality. Furthermore, that would make God's omniscience incompatible with human free will. Those are not the traits of God.

While God exercises His will, scripture also confirms that His "will" is that not even one perish from their sins. God is not going to remove the privilege to choose, from man. To do so, would go against His will, and make Him a liar. His promise is that any who come to Him to be saved, can be saved and will be saved. Otherwise, anything less would make God dishonest, deceitful, double-dealing, a liar, conniving, selfish, untrustworthy, disloyal, unreliable, treacherous, irresponsible and double-minded. God's Word says that a double-minded man is unstable in all His ways, while God is described as trustworthy, honest, dependable, faithful, protective, and unchanging, to name a few.

Free Will is discussed in six books from the Bible and 17 verses. They are Leviticus 22:18, Leviticus 22:21, Leviticus 22:23, Leviticus 23:38, Numbers 15:3, Numbers 29:39, Deuteronomy 12:6, Deuteronomy 12:17, Deuteronomy 16:10, Deuteronomy 23:23, 2nd Chronicles 31:34, Ezra 1:4, Ezra 3:5, Ezra 7:13, Ezra 7:16, Ezra 8:28, and Psalms 119:108.

You have mentioned Point 3: 3) the Lord literally hardens the heart (and vision) of the unsaved. Let's look at that.

I believe your referencing 2nd Thessalonians 2:11. This verse refers to those who have heard and rejected the gospel over and over and over and have hardened their hearts against God and His Plan of Salvation. Therefore, God gave them over to the desires of their heart by strong delusion. That is vastly different from what you said. It tells WHY they were given over to strong delusion. THEY had hardened their hearts against God.
saintsong · 41-45, F
What about Matthew 22:14 Many are called, few are chosen??? Would those whom are chosen be those who responded by embracing the faith?
@saintsong What a great question. 'Chosen' in the context of verse 14, refers to those who accept the call on God's terms. In other words, we know many are called to be saved, however, not everyone accepts His invitation to be saved, so in that way, they're not "chosen" or "fit" to enter the Kingdom.
saintsong · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace I really like that on God's terms, many of us want to become Christians on our terms!
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I'm more than likely going to hell anyway but from what I heard it's more fun down there regardless and all my friends are probably waiting on me
@KingofBones1 God is not willing that any perish. That's up to you. If you go there it's not because God sent you there. People go there by choice. And hell is a place of outer darkness. You'll hear other people, but you'll never see them. People who go to hell will see and experience demons.

KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace I've experienced and seen more than my share in my lifetime I've seen both light and darkness and I was told my soul is already at a crossroad I just need light to come back into my life to keep me focused if that's the case
@KingofBones1 It's important that we think for ourselves. Nobody knows you, better than you and they can't tell you you're at a crossroad if you're not. You're the only one that knows that. That sounds more like Buddha teachings. And it has nothing to do with hell. There's no Darkness like hell and if you want to go to the light then you're very best bet is going to go to Jesus. He won't abandon you and he won't let you down. You don't need to focus on anyone but Jesus. He's our safe place and he's no liar. The Bible explicitly and unequivocally states that NO ONE can EARN their way to heaven. And you cannot ever get there by meditation, nor by earning favor, not by chanting, not by living the best life you know how, and not by tuning to any kind of spirit in the universe and expecting to get saved. So many people will miss Heaven because of that. Salvation has nothing to do with any denominations nor earning your way to heaven. Jesus already loves an accepts you and wants you to make the decision to follow Him, so he can save you from the condemnation that SIN placed on us all. He said you can try other ways but they will not work for you. There's a lot of false teachers out there so it's best to listen to Jesus because no one loves you more than Him and no one knows us better than Him. Stay away from false teachers.
TheWildEcho · 56-60, M
@TheWildEcho Thank you, brother. 🤗💚

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