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It's time to get our heads out of the sand and admit our need to have our sins forgiven, as our choices affect our final, eternal destination.

Upon studying different beliefs, it seems contradictory that according to Buddhism, there is no such thing as sin, yet....The Dhammasangāni regard the following five acts – matricide, parricide, slaying an Arhat, slaying a Buddha, and causing division among priesthood, to be five unpardonable sins. Therefore, it appears that Buddhism refuses to admit to personal sin, yet constantly tries to earn goodness and favor from whom, if they feel no need of God? It sounds as if they are worried about their souls, but don't know why. One can't have it both ways. Given the contradictions, did Buddha know what he believed? God doesn't look at sin the way we do. We need to be truthful and call it what it is. God doesn't categorize sin, like we do. Sin is sin, no matter what the sin is, and Jesus said all sin keeps us seperated from God the Father, until we repent of it. If we say we have no sin, we are liars.

Buddism says, "There's no need for a god nor any need for salvation. Happiness, Hell, and Heaven, are all mental states."

It is a fact that we all have a sinful nature. If we claim that we never sin, then we are deceiving ourselves and telling ourselves a lie. If we say we have no sin, then we are liars, (1 John 1:8-10). We can clearly see the results of the impact that sin has on this world, when we see or hear about murders, theft, adultery, lying, stealing, cheating people, etc. These tell us exactly why we need a Savior. Jesus never once in His Word, said to follow the religions of this world in order to be saved. He said to follow Him alone. Where there's no commitment, there's no relationship.

The receivers/victims of those atrocities, will quickly tell you that those are not merely "mental states". They are evil desires, acted out on other people. No amount of positive thinking will eliminate them. That's like living in a bubble, and pretending nothing ever bad happens in this world. Buddha talks of karma, but karma is a copy off of what Jesus said about our sins always find us out and we always reap what we sow! The very nature of sin, is that it always brings the consequences of death and destruction. That needs to be remedied, before our souls can step into a holy heaven, and hiding our heads in the sand, pretending there is no such thing as sin, is both foolish and eternally destructive.

Furthermore, we cannot forgive ourselves of our own sins. That's a given. That's why we need a Savior. His name is Jesus. Not one person in the universe is more powerful than He and certainly Buddha is not more powerful than Jesus, that he can forgive us of our sins. Especially when he doesn't even acknowledge he has sins and Jesus said that if we say we are not sinners, then we are liars. He also said we cannot earn our way to heaven by good deeds, as salvation has nothing to do with our performance. It has everything to do with God's promise to save us.

Buddha Dharma Education Association states "The idea of sin or original sin has no place in Buddhism." Zen student and author Barbara O'Brien has said that "Buddhism has no concept of sin." What's this? Then turns around and speaks of the 5 unpardonable sins! Buddhism contradicts itself. Walpola Rahula also disagreed with the notion of sin, saying "In fact there is no 'sin' in Buddhism. However, they tragically fail to see and acknowledge that we're all in the same spiritual boat....all have the sin nature and capability of sinning, and in fact, do sin, and have sinned. We can definitely see that, in our world today, which again, tells us why we need Jesus as Savior.

This world needs to see sin for what it is and address it, if we want to have heaven as our eternal and final resting place. Sin, in itself, demands punishment. God is fair...sin is not! It is not God that condemns us. Jesus came to save the world, not condemn it. It is sin that has placed a death sentence on all, until we repent. Sin always brings condemnation with it and keeps us separated from God, until we repent of our sins, so that Jesus can forgive us and restore us to right fellowship with our Heavenly Father in Heaven, once again. Do nothing, and our souls remain seperated from God for eternity. We must never neglect our soul.

Jesus took the punishment for our sins, upon Himself, paying for them on the cross.

Without the shedding of pure, SINLESS, sacrificial blood, there IS NO REMISSION OF SINS.

"Indeed, under the law, almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins. Hebrews 9:22

This was Jesus' sacrificial gift to the whole world, that none other could give to us! Not Moses, not Buddha, not the Dalai Lama, the Pope, nor any other person on this earth, as they all have sins of their own and lack the spiritual power to erase our sins AND theirs.

1 John 1:8 - "If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth of His Word is not in us!"

Jesus said today is the time to repent, not to put that off. We need salvation now, not tomorrow. We do not have the security of knowing what tomorrow will bring us, so we must plan accordingly, be smart and wise, and receive forgiveness from Jesus, while we can.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Buddhism came in sight as a religion because there was a prince Siddarta who was unhappy the way world was, the life and death and everything. He thought he would find a deal with them and he sat under the tree for some 30 odd days and came to conclusion that he knew everything in those 30 days. POOR JUDGEMENT as now, we get a degree in a specific subject in 3 years and he knew all the questions of the world in 30 days. Fast, wasn't he?

The biggest myth of Buddhism is soul transgmigration from one species to another species till the time they attain salvation but according to critics, Suppose if someone does bad things and in next birth, he gets the life of a dog then how would his salvation be? Dog is not spiritual in any way.

Buddhism came in existence because people in and around the equator due to favourable climatic conditions grew and the animals didn't grow that much in number. And the population could no longer feed on animals. They cleared their forests, Thanks to Iron Revolution in the area. The only way to live was to feed on plants.

Buddha said that he had attained "COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE" and urged people to become vegetarian which was liked by many as there were not many animals to feed upon NOT KNOWING THAT PLANTS HAVE LIFE AS WELL AND WHEN WE UPROOT A TREE, PLUCK A BRANCH, PULL OUT THE ROOTS, PLANTS ARE SO MUCH HURT BUT CAN NOT EVEN SCREAM.

If Buddha were born now, he probably would ask us to live on only "water and air" because now, we know that plants have lives too back then, nobody knew.

Contrary to this idea, Christians don't have restrictions for they probably knew back then also, that plants have life and that we know because, as far as I can recall, Jesus Christ knew that trees had life too and his preachings were totally spiritual knowing that human is not in end itself.

Buddha said, "Man can attain full knowledge and salvation on his own", it seems fascinating to people because it makes people believe that they are all powerful in themselves and doesn't need God.

So, there is no comparison between Buddhism or any other religion and Christianity for the later is the way of life and formers are just religions to manipulate people.
The biggest myth of Buddhism is soul transgmigration from one species to another species till the time they attain salvation but according to critics, Suppose if someone does bad things and in next birth, he gets the life of a dog then how would his salvation be? Dog is not spiritual in any way."

However.... they contradict themselves. How can they attain salvation when they don't believe they need God nor that they have sinned? They're not telling us the truth. For Buddhists, salvation is gained through the understanding of the ways things are, according to the Buddha's Dharma. Once an individual has become enlightened they think they can then reach a state of nirvana.
TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace Alot of people blindly follow Buddhism because it is in sync with the science till now that there is no God. Now, if Buddhism tells us that we all ourselves are Gods and there is no God outside, it reiterates the part of science which says, "We won't believe God for we don't have proof".

Buddha is darkness and complete darkness because we don't know in which species our should would transmigrated into. It sends us to permutation and combination, luck, gambling about our next life. Whereas, There is a sure Heaven for the believers.
@TheOrionbeltseeker When doubting Thomas demanded proof of Jesus, He asked him why he had so little faith, and then proved that it was him by telling Thomas to see His nail-scarred hands and feet. Jesus already proved himself by coming to this earth and his death on the cross. He doesn't need to do it again to please people. They either have faith or they don't.

Yes I love what you said and it's so true that we don't have to guess where we're going. Jesus told us exactly what would happen to us after we die and where we would go. That choice is strictly up to us. People who believe in reincarnation are gambling with their own souls.

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