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Why do people think they have to believe in Jesus

Or religion in order to believe in a Supreme Being. Why not just believe in a nondenominational Creator?
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The Bible was clearly made by religious experts to take over pagan Europe.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Clearly? I doubt you even know the contents of it. The Roman empire at that time was so vast it had to manage uniting the diverse cultures and their religions. There were even 2 emperors who persecuted the early Christians. If there was a reason for the Bible to exist, it was to consolidate the approved books, which took a long time to happen. Before that, it took 325 years after Christ's birth for the statements of faith or Nicene Creed to be formalized. The Roman empire (the center of Christianity then) fell and it took a long time before waves of conversion happened again.

So no, the wars you were thinking of had less to do with spreading the faith and more with conquering territories.
@IamCuriousBabe I've read it over and over, and it's one among many. There were Jesus like figures in other religions before Christian religion.
Conquerors use them on the natives to take over.
Did you even watch the movie Zeitgeist? Are you trying to pretend other religions don't fit this pattern?
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Is this response in support of your earlier comment? Or a new line of thought altogether? It's not going to matter much to me if you dismiss Jesus altogether, but at least try to provide some facts to support your claim, no?
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego What other religions if you can care to specify?
@IamCuriousBabe there's no dismissing any of the religious writings. They mean what they mean. But I'm not able to pretend I didn't know about ten earlier humans written about in religious texts who were born of a virgin in poverty three days after the winter solstice, who went on to found a religious movement, were persecuted by the powerful elite, were sentenced to death and nailed to a tree and who rose from the dead three days later. You believe what you must, I can't do that.
I can't pretend I don't know that each text was used by rich invaders to own the natives.
@IamCuriousBabe Krishna, Lord Krishna of Hinduism is a figure who also was born of a virgin and founded a religion... Etc.
Try watching Zeitgeist, the movie. It's very easy to follow.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego How about restating what you said into what you actually know? Who are these ten earlier humans you are talking about, also born of virgins?
@IamCuriousBabe if you don't understand the epic of Gilgamesh, it's not my fault. Ignore it. Let's just say I lied! Nobody knows! You win. There is but one God and Muhammad is his profet. Or Jesus is Lord. Whatever!
True believers know nothing about everything and always ask for immediate proof and of course deny it when it comes!
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Saw the article as well as the criticisms against it. It was a filmmaker who created it, not someone scholarly.

Am sure it has entertainment value.
@IamCuriousBabe but there is that list of earlier religious texts with figures like Christ in the movie. Good thing you'll never see it! That's how you never know!
Entertainment isn't its point. Obviously you're heII bent on getting back to the Dark Ages where you can have the only religion.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Not with the way you explain it. We haven't even settled the very first comment you mentioned. But hey, whatever helps you sleep better at night.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Never know what?
@IamCuriousBabe it's certainly not about me. I would never expect a NATO loving, car driving christian to be anything but a rabid dog in the careful study of our literary heritage. That's not how they roll.
@IamCuriousBabe any list of earlier texts with figures quite like Jesus. You know none. Keep it that way. Stay dark!
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego Any list?

You keep coming up with stuff out of nowhere. You decided to comment and mention stuff that I wanted to know about. You can walk away now and pretend we didn't have this exchange.
@IamCuriousBabe okay.
Asclepius, Dyonisis, Osiris, Rah, Attis, Lord Krishna, Adonis.
You certainly should know these figures from your own education. Nobody should be completely unaware.
It's about me, of course! You have cornered an enemy. Me and you don't listen to enemies!
This enemy knows that each figure is associated with conquered people and their conquerors.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Roundandroundwego The only thing common among Jesus and these figures you mentioned seems to be related to coming back to life. Yet, for most of these figures, they were mythological than human. As such, I doubt if there were accounts of their death as recorded by a historian. To me, the concept that there is an afterlife, of life after death is common among so many cultures.

In Jesus' case, there were references to his baptism and crucifixion made by a Roman historian, Tacitus.

And who's this enemy that I am supposed to have cornered?
@IamCuriousBabe right. Each was born of a virgin Dec 25. Each was nailed to a tree and rose three days later. The astronomical meaning is clear. It's a lot like what pagans used to say in their temples, each Dec 25, almost every place. Even before it was called a month, or December. Thousands of years, even.
Krishna, Lord Krishna of Hinduism is a figure who also was born of a virgin and founded a religion... Etc.
Try watching Zeitgeist, the movie. It's very easy to follow.

Sorry but God the Father does not recognize anyone but His Son, Jesus, as being born of the Virgin Mary, in His Word. It also says in God's Word that He appointed and approved only one to be Savior of the world, that being Jesus Christ. Maybe your Lord Krishna founded a religion, but Jesus founded a personal relationship for us with Himself. Jesus was against the religious leaders and called them hypocrites because they were teaching the wrong gospel and claiming that one could be saved another way besides Jesus. They were also twisting their faces all up before crowds of people and making loud noises in order to fool the people into believing that they were so righteous and Jesus said there's none that can meet his standard of righteousness and that's what we need him for salvation. There is no substitute for Jesus when it comes to salvation. Stop teaching false doctrine. No one knows better than God the Father what it takes to have salvation because he made the Plan of Salvation and it is not up to man to change that to his own ways of salvation. God said that will never work.