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How many Gods exist?

If man was created in God's image. One God's image why are there religious wars. I am not a very religious person.However it is my belief that there is only one God. So I am confused, please enlighten me. Share your thoughts.
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Adstar56-60, M Best Comment
How many Gods exist?

One Only.. The God of Abraham..

If man was created in God's image. One God's image why are there religious wars.

Because men have different views on what the Will of God is.. AND Some think they need to enforce that View on others by way of violent intimidation.. And some others think God wants them to enforce that view by the use of violence..

I am not a very religious person.However it is my belief that there is only one God.

Cool馃憤 You're on the right path.. I hope your views of Gods will are in alignment with the One and only God of all existence..

So I am confused.

Not sure why you would be confused on this point.. God is God.. Humans are human.. God is Perfect.. Humans are not.. Thus faulty humans do unwise things like wage violent jihads..

People should not mix up God and humans.. Separate them in your mind and deal with each individually..
Graylight51-55, F
@Adstar If you're speaking of the Abrahamic religions, that includes Judaism, Christianity and Islam primarily. And while that accounts for just over half the world's population, there are just as many people who live good lives while worshipping other gods...or none at all. To speak with certainty on that which no man knows is hubris.
@Adstar why do you think the abrahamic god is more viable then other gods ?
Adstar56-60, M
If you're speaking of the Abrahamic religions, that includes Judaism, Christianity and Islam primarily.

I only Speak of the Bible believing Christian religion.. I don't acknowledge any other..

And while that accounts for just over half the world's population, there are just as many people who live good lives while worshipping other gods...or none at all.

As a Christian i believe only God is good.. So no human being lives a good life.. So no human beings at all.. The only exception would be a baby who dies as an infant that is before the age of innocence is over..

To speak with certainty on that which no man knows is hubris.

God has caused me to know what i know.. And by your very own definition it is hubris to talk against God when you do not know if he exists or not..
Graylight51-55, F
@Adstar Then you are not a follower of an Abrahamic God, merely a sheep for your own God as described to you.

I've always wondered at people who believe in a God so powerful, so merciful and so full of love that he would make something so utterly worthless on its own.

You don't know that God exists. I don't know that God exists. Nobody knows the actual answer to the question "does God exist?" You've been told and you believe; that's called faith. The sun exists whether you believe in it or notn that's called truth.
Adstar56-60, M
@Adstar Then you are not a follower of an Abrahamic God, merely a sheep for your own God as described to you.

Nope i am a follower of the God of Abraham and He is my loving Shepard i have no problem being called one of His sheep.. 馃憤

I've always wondered at people who believe in a God so powerful, so merciful and so full of love that he would make something so utterly worthless on its own.

No one is without worth to a perfect God who is also perfect in Love.. His will is to have all redeemed..

You don't know that God exists.

I do indeed know God exists and He has made himself known to me..

I don't know that God exists.

More like you disagree with Him and therefore reject Him and therefore it is easier for you psychologically to grasp onto the belief that He does not exist.. I can understand why a person who hates God would latch onto anything that would say God does not exist..

You've been told and you believe;

Actually no i was not brought up in a Christian family.. I read the Holy Bible and i believed and became a Christian by myself ( with the moving of Gods Holy Spirit of course ) but no human made me a Christian..

that's called faith.

Nope Faith is trusting in God and that comes after believing in God.. One must first believe God exists before they can go onto developing trust in God .. Two totally different things..

The sun exists whether you believe in it or notn that's called truth.

God created the Sun. He existed before the Sun came into existence and will continue to exist an eternity after the Sun is finished.. That's the ultimate truth.
Graylight51-55, F
@Adstar the Abrahamic God is not one you define; it's an actual term with definition. He belongs also to the Jews and the Muslims. Wow, that must be uncomfortable, huh?

All you have to do to be perfect to God is let him fix you of your inherent flaws and worship him blindly. Check.

If you know - know - God exists, then please, for the love of all things holy, show us the proof we've been waiting more than 5,000 years to see. Faith is not evidence. It is the opposite.

So if I love the sun, I'm just loving God's creation. And if I 'worship it' by being in its light as much as possible and acknowledge its absolute necessity for our existence, that's okay? 'Cause I thought that was bad, along with all those missing amino acids.
Adstar56-60, M
@Adstar the Abrahamic God is not one you define; it's an actual term with definition. He belongs also to the Jews and the Muslims. Wow, that must be uncomfortable, huh?

Why should a false statement from you make me uncomfortable.. The God of Abraham does not belong to anyone.. The God of Abraham owns Everyone including you..

Also while the God of Abraham does have future plans / dealings with physical descendants of Abraham He is now dealing with the world through those Jews who have rejected the Messiah Jesus.. He is dealing with the world through those who have accepted Jesus as Messiah no matter what race they are from.. And Islam has never been a vehicle God has used to give His will to the world..

All you have to do to be perfect to God is let him fix you of your inherent flaws and worship him blindly. Check.

Don't know where you get that from?? I am not perfect and will never be perfect while i live in this flesh body.. I look forward to an eternal life after my death where i Will be transformed into that perfect being you talk about.. Also i don't worship Him blindly.. I agree with His revealed will. check. 馃

If you know - know - God exists, then please, for the love of all things holy, show us the proof we've been waiting more than 5,000 years to see. Faith is not evidence. It is the opposite.

Gods attracts those who will be saved by His message in the scriptures.. Specifically His moral teachings and the Way He has made for us to e saved.. He has produced this message over a number of millennium's and completed it at the times of Jesus.. If a person rejects that message or if God knows that person is going to reject that message then why should He confirm His existence to that person in their life time?? If a person is rejecting the Way of salvation they are doomed anyway.. Actually it could be seen as a form of severe mental torture for God to confirm his existence to a person who is rejecting His salvation.. Imagine living the rest of your life knowing for sure you are headed to eternal agony in the Lake of Fire.. Doesn't bare thinking about..

So if I love the sun, I'm just loving God's creation. And if I 'worship it' by being in its light as much as possible and acknowledge its absolute necessity for our existence, that's okay?

Enjoying the sun is a good thing.. worshiping it is an abomination to God and is a very bad thing.. So it is not ok to worship the sun.. Not sure why you are making this point? But anyway it was easy to answer..
Graylight51-55, F
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being a atheist i get a bit confused here.
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and does this mean there were other gods?
Adstar56-60, M

being a atheist i get a bit confused here.

Saying you got a bit confused here and then failing to say what you are confused about pretty much defeats the effort you went to to paste the comentary above your statement.. I am not a mind reader so i cannot read your mind to get the actual information out of your head.. If i want to discuss a problem with someone i do what i believe is a logical thing and actually express to them what my problem is.. This is really basic communication 101 stuff don't you think?

and does this mean there were other gods?

Nope there where never other Gods.. But people made Gods out of the stars and the sun and a plethorah of other sources.. They where also contacted by fallen angels and worshipped them as gods under different names.. But again they where not actual Gods..
@Adstar atheist means i believe in no god. or was there a god ever, now i like to let others believe in what makes them feel good.
ok lets see bible was writen about 1200 bc and it said the earth is 6000 years old . if so how can it be only 6000 years old and we find it is much older by the dinos they found. and if god himself said you shall worship no other god .. and there was lots of gods before he was even invented by man. . was he the real true god or what happened to all the rest .Brahma and Ahura Mazda these date back before there was even a bible.. and the earth is not 6000 years old more like quarter million or more. again atheist. i was a latter day saint tho.. at one time..
Adstar56-60, M
@Adstar atheist means i believe in no god.

Yes i know that..

or was there a god ever

??? Are you an Athiest or not??? Athiests do not believe any God has ever existed.. And you cannot call a being a god if they once existed and no longer exist.. God does not die God is eternal. Once a being dies that shows that that being was never God..

now i like to let others believe in what makes them feel good.

I like telling people the truth no mtter how it makes them feel.. The truth is far more valuable then sweet sounding lies that make one feel good..

ok lets see bible was writen about 1200 bc and it said the earth is 6000 years old .

Nope thats someones interpretation of the Bible.. The Bible does not say it was written about 1200 BC and the Bible does not say the earth is 6000 years old..

and there was lots of gods before he was even invented by man.

The God of Abraham was not invented by men..

. was he the real true god or what happened to all the rest

Why persist in asking this when i have already said there is only One God?

was he the real true god or what happened to all the rest .Brahma and Ahura Mazda these date back before there was even a bible..

If brahma or ahura mazda where anything they where demons masqurading as gods.. And just because the Bible was written down at a certain times does not mean the books where writing abouyt things that happned at the time the authors wrote them.. The Book of Genisis details happening that happened way before brahma or ahura mazda ever became known by the people who considered them gods..

i was a latter day saint tho.. at one time..

You where a Mormon.. That explains a bit.. why you are focused on questions about there being many Gods.. Thats one of the teachings of the Mormon religion that if you are a really good mormon then one day you will become a God and have spirit children.. Sadly the people who believed the false prophet of mormonisim fell for the same enticement satan used in the garden of eden when he enticed Eve with the temptation of do it and you will become as God..

(Genesis 3:5) "For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

satan's not very creative in his deceptions is he..
@Adstar nice talking to ya ..
Adstar56-60, M
@markansas Thanks for that Markansas. 馃槉 It's a rare experience for me in here 馃