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36-40, F
Please see my ABOUT ME page for my bio, pics, top stories and more.
About Me Notes
About Me
Becky Romero
🇺🇲 Female, 39 . . . . . Born: 1985 . . . . . Sign: Virgo . . . . . Lives: Midwest, United States . . . . .
Schooling: university graduate . . . . . Religion: Christian . . . . . Politics: liberal to moderate Democrat

Index of My Stories & Questions

Comprehensive Analysis of My Political Views, Voting History, and National Security Stance








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My Top Stories:
Should Donald Trump Be "Sent Back" to Where His Family Came From?

Trump to WEAKEN Airport Security


When I Hear Music

You Know You're in Chicago When It's "Windy"

She Works Hard for the Money

I Wish Memories Could Be Recorded And Played Back Later

If you invented such a machine, would you violate my privacy by keeping copies of those recordings? Would you share them with others? What about my most intimate moments?

I Hate Mothers Bringing Older Boys In The Women's Locker Room

One time when I complained at the front desk, the boy's mother shouted back for everyone to hear: "If you're that uptight about it, maybe you should at least trim it a little."

The More Personal Stuff
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 114
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Measurements: 34 - 24 - 35
Drinks: rarely
Smokes: no
Drugs: no
Siblings: two brothers
Boyfriend: between boyfriends at the moment (not in a literal, physical sense)
Living Situation: with roommates

The Very Personal Stuff
Sunbathing preference: nude
Like skinny-dipping? Of course!
Tattoos: None
Piercings: Only my ears
Pubic Hair: unshaven

What I Am Like
Guys who like me describe me as cheerful, friendly, humorous and full of life.
Guys who hate me use the 'B', 'C' and 'S' words quite a lot in describing me.

Pet Peeves
When the wind kicks up on a day I've gone 'commando' under a short dress
Mothers who bring their school-age sons into the women's locker room
Leftists who think all Democrats need to walk 100% lock-step with them
People who blame America for all the problems in the Middle East
Conservatives who think all Democrats are Commies
Sexist pigs who think they are God's gift to women
Guys who are control freaks
School corporal punishment
Internet stalkers
Getting spanked

The Groups I've Joined Will Tell You a Lot About Me
When I join a group it is because that group's title is something I either personally experienced or is a belief, preference, political view, like or dislike. So just scanning my groups will tell you quite a lot about my personality, pet peeves and, yes, even quite personal things such as that I don't shave my pubic hair.

Having Karma Bite Me Back
Regretting really bad that I had teased a first grade classmate that he belonged in diapers after he had wet his pants the first week of school. After wetting my panties several times in a couple week period, my teacher (with my stupid stepdad's permission) decided she would repeatedly do more than just tell me I belonged in diapers. Karma can sometimes have a cruel sense of irony when it comes back and bites you in the butt.

Most Embarrassing Moment at School
Having my full-frontal and rear nude pics passed all around my high school during my senior year when I was 18.

My Greatest Shame
When I was 16, my stepdad, because of what he perceived to be my 'impertinent' attitude, arguing, disrespect, sassing back, poor behavior, mediocre grades, wearing clothing or swimwear deemed too tight or too revealing, often breaking curfew and engaging in quite a lot of shall I just call it 'extracurricular activity' with numerous boyfriends, decided from then on my punishment would be undressed and given a bare-bottom spanking in the family living room - no matter who was present - and that included my brothers, their friends, extended family, even younger boys I routinely babysat.

Needless to say, my remaining teen years were quite humbling indeed. My embarrassment and my shame was intense and for years I couldn't talk about it except to my most dearest friends.

The Experience Project helped me to go public and to put a spotlight on my shame. Yes, it brought me additional humiliation, being ridiculed and laughed at not only by total strangers but by dozens and dozens of acquaintances, ranging from extended family to people whom I barely knew, who had now read in my own words about my embarrassing spankings that resulted from my misbehavior.

It was now all out there. The intense shame I felt when my panties were lowered in front of my younger brother, extended family or mere acquaintances who then watched me get spanked and stand bare in the corner afterwards. Details about my feelings during my mom's divorce from my stepdad. My misbehavior during that time, ranging from disobedience to getting caught naked and having sex with a boyfriend. Having to completely undress for a social worker to be rightfully examined for signs of physical abuse, only to look up and suddenly realize while my naked body was being inspected that my younger brother and his friend (a boy from across the street who I occasionally babysat) had been watching the whole time from the stairway. Or when my mom had photos taken of me fully exposed head-to-toe with a reddened bare bottom a day after one particularly harsh spanking from my stepdad that attorneys on both sides, the mediator and the judge would all eventually look at with me present and embarrassed.

Thankfully, I wasn't abused sexually. And because I wasn't withdrawn, still had friends, did ok in school, etc, mental abuse was out, too. My mom and I tried to make a case for physical abuse. But that resulted in a public shaming.

I suppose the judge had already formed an opinion of me after being given too many examples of my poor behavior in recent years when he considered my mom's request that my stepdad be barred from spanking me during further so-called "visitations."

But he opinioned that "perhaps regular spankings on your bottom is just what a rebellious teenage girl like you needs when you misbehave."

It was quite humiliating having just turned 17 and being told that in open court, especially after it had already been made clear to anyone paying attention that my regular spankings from my stepdad were applied to my bare bottom. I could hear the chuckling and giggling from other people awaiting their own cases.

The judge then denied the motion my mom's attorney had made asking that my stepdad no longer be permitted to spank me until custody was decided. As a result, my stepdad continued to spank my bare bottom for disciplinary purposes on a regular basis until I was nearly 18.

The whole ordeal was as if copies of my diary were passed out without me knowing who had read it. The grins, the smirks, the stares, the looks of disapproval. I could only now guess what a given person knew, how much they knew or whether by knowing what they knew had changed their opinions of me.

As a teenager at that time, I was grateful at that time for each person who DIDN'T know I got spanked. I felt fortunate at the time that no one at my high school knew except my closest friends. Yes, extended relatives, some neighbors and close family friends knew, but not everyone.

But, ironically, baring my soul on EP helped me to belatedly earn some of the shame I had avoided from those who hadn't known the method of my being disciplined over my stepdad's lap (or who hadn't been present those many times when I was spanked). After all, I had no right for people NOT to know when I had misbehaved and got punished. My stepdad sure didn't care who saw me crying and bawling incoherently like a preschooler with my bottom bared during a spanking.

In fact, in hindsight, perhaps it would have been better for me if EVERYONE had known at the time or, better yet, saw me being punished. Maybe someone would have eventually talked some sense into my stepdad if I was routinely spanked in front of a large family gatherings. Or if he came to my high school and spanked me there in front of my teacher and classmates, just like the shame one particular teenage high school girl at Cudahy High School in Cudahy, Wisconsin about that time had suffered, her father spanking her with her bottom facing her entire biology class. But now I was IN ALL FAIRNESS forced to accept that those maybe's went hand in hand with the fact that many people who hadn't known I was spanked ended up approving that I was, too. I became the beneficiary of shame merely delayed by six years. Shame I couldn't hide from, just as I couldn't hide from the shame of those who had witnessed me being disciplined.

On many occasions it forced me without warning to have to talk frankly face-to-face to others about my disciplinary spankings, my soul literally being bared on the spot, often to the amusement of others who happened to eavesdrop. From some, I received empathy. To others, some who may have heard rumors in the past and disapproved about my various misbehaviors and sexual encounters with quite a number of boys in high school, it only validated their opinions of me and their belief that I was in need of strong discipline. And some people weren't the least bit shy about telling me so now that they knew that I knew that they knew.

And maybe that was the point. To those whom I had avoiding facing with about my shame, I now had no choice but to acknowledge all of it when they pointed out they knew I was regularly spanked. Also being told by many pro-spank parents on EP that I had deserved to be spanked helped me to finally accept the past as something that I can't change (despite that I felt my being disciplined was mostly unfair), that many pro-spank parents would have bared by bottom and spanked it too if I were their daughter or step-daughter, that I shouldn't try to hide from my shame and instead acknowledge it and to continue to be open and up front about it whenever I'm asked, no matter my embarrassment.

My View on Corporal Punishment
If and when I'm a mother I would not spank my kids, but feel that's a parental right to do so (absent abuse, of course). As much as I hated being spanked by my stepdad, I know it was within his legal rights. Just as it has been within my aunt's rights to require I be subject to the same disciplinary spankings as her two daughters when I spend extended time at their house.

Corporal punishment, however, should be abolished in the school system. The government shouldn't be involved in spanking kids - neither with or without a parent's permission.

And just to make it clear, just because I've been spanked for disciplinary measures, I'm not looking for someone to spank me. Nor am I into BDSM or "domestic discipline." So please don't ask or offer.

While I would consider discussing spanking in general, whether openly or in PMs, even in regards to my own past punishments and the humiliation and shame that went with them and whether I should have been spanked, I've tried to put all this in the past. What happened to me happened. I can't change it. And surely there are many other things to talk about.

EP taught me to keep an open mind when listening to the opinions of pro-spank parents with regards to how they'd have disciplined me. It continues to help me with my shame.

If answering such questions or reading your conclusions on whether those spankings were appropriate leads to public embarrassment or ridicule, it's par for the course I suppose.

But if you're going to ask if you should spank your kids, I can answer that right now: "No!"


How do you know your politics are moderate to liberal? When you get slammed from people on the left as much as by people on the right. John Kerry was my first vote for president in 2004. (My preferred choice would have been Dick Gephardt). Then it was Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary and John McCain in the general. Skipped the Democratic presidential primary in 2012 and voted for Mitt Romney in the general. I was Ready for Hillary since 2008. So she got my vote again in the 2016 primary and I voted for her in November.

That said, I do have a libertarian streak on some social issues and am more conservative on others. Like Sen. Rand Paul, I am very wary of 'Big Brother.' But his isolationist views on foreign policy and weak national defense policies make it impossible for him to have ever gotten my support. Same with someone like Michael Bloomberg, who has an elitist, totalitarianist streak (the government should not be regulating the size of the pop I can buy in Times Square). Narcissistic egomaniacs like him and Donald Trump? No, thank you. I'll pass. And don't even get me started on Rambo, that sniveling, back-stabbing little weasel traitor Rahm Emanuel.

I am moderate to liberal on economic policy and somewhere to the right of Attila the Hun when it comes to how I feel we should be dealing with terrorists.

February 27th of each year is International Polar Bear Day.

This globally acknowledged event draws attention to the challenges that malnourished polar bears face in a warming Arctic.

Unlike Obama and now Trump, I would close Gitmo if I were World Empress.

And solve two problems at once!

2020 Presidential Election

Jeb Bush was spot on!

"And the World Will Cheer..."


Favorite Movies

Thelma & Louise

A League of Their Own

The Hunt for Red October

The Untouchables



Favorite TV Shows
Game of Thrones
Law & Order
Boston Public

Favorite Songs




















Inspirational People
My family
My friends
Joe Biden
John McCain
Hillary Clinton
The U.S. Military
Aliaa Magda Elmahdy
Courageous Women in Afghanistan

Favorite Quotations
"Revenge is a dish best served to those who are nude."
- my friend, Elizabeth McNally

"You let her go, or I'm gonna splatter your ugly face all over this nice car."
- Louise (Susan Sarandon), in Thelma & Louise

"Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade."
- Rick Blaine (Humphrey Bogart), in Casablanca

"I, Joseph Robinette Biden Junior, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States . . ."
- President Joe Biden, January 20, 2021

Instant Messaging and Web Camming

FYI: I don't Skype, vid chat or engage in sexting. So please don't ask.

If you IM me, remember, this isn't a club. You really can say a little more than "Hi" if you want start a conversation, maybe even ask me a question or two. I'm often not on SW for days at a time, so sometimes you may not get a response for a while.