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I Had A Pedicure

My wife wanted a haircut so I found a place that could give me a pedicure at the same time. I sat in a row of six chairs all filled with women getting pedicures. There I was in the middle of them, listening to and joining in with their girl talk. While some commented on my choice of color, not one laughed or made a disparaging remark about my gender and what it might mean that I was getting my nails painted. At the end, the nail tech handed me the polish bottle and told me it was mine. So I went home and painted my fingers too. Then our neighbors came over to watch a tv show together. I flaunted my nails and toes. It was so cool.
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I get pedicures all the time but have not worked up the nerve to ask the girl to paint my nails. Any words of encouragement. Also, what is it like to go out in sandals with painted nails? Any unkind remarks? I am going to the nail salon tonight for a pedi. Hope I can work up the courage to get my toes painted. Hugs
Its a dark copper color. I have a pic uploaded for you to see. Hugs
Sharon03 · 70-79, T
Very lovely. And you have pretty feet too. The paint is a nice added touch when wearing sandals.
Thank you sweetheart.
My husband enjoyed getting pedicure as well;) When we were in Ibiza during our honeymoon, we decided to pamper ourselves and get all spa procedures possible. We found one really cute place there . These true professionals really knew how to please my hubby. Afterall he says he regrets he had refused from getting professional pedicure before.
Good on you, gurlfriend! I go to the salon once every month for a pedi. I've gone to the same salon for about a year and a half and they don't blink at putting colored polish on my toenails. They just ask what color I want today. Once in a great while I'll see a husband come in with his wife and get a pedi, but never polish. Men sure are missing out on a great thing! Hugs, Angie
Well, don't keep us in suspense - what was the color?
Sharon03 · 70-79, T
I have had my own bouts of trying to hide in the locker room. Now I'm getting so I just don't care and have never had anyone confront me about my painted toes.
I hope to get your courage someday! Lol, it's so liberating not to give a s**t what other people think!
add me sweetie
Wonderful! I just love pedicures, makes my feet smile!
Sharon03 · 70-79, T
Makes my face smile too.
"It was so cool"?? No, no, no. YOU are so cool.
Awesome for you!!
I would love to try a pedicure

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