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I Always Want to Look My Best

I used to be very careless with what I wore...wearing a pair of jeans with a tee shirt seemed to be enough for me,when I was straw thin and lissome, I told myself that just coz I was skinny and looked youngish it was all I ever thought I needed apart from a bright red lipstick to look attractive.

Maybe I was attractive-but I never thought I was...

As a plus size, 30+ aged woman my ideas about dressing and make up have changed. Doing your face is like painting a canvas, and the world seems to judge you better if you have some attractive qualities like a well made up kinda makes 'you' YOU.I used to be very shy as a thin woman, but getting chubbier has been good for my confidence and I actually do my face up a lot more than I used to which in general is a good thing I think...

Sometimes the outfit is boring but your face is cute, so you get forgiven in a way, when you pose in a selfie with your taller, actually stylish and younger friends.So people on Facebook who see your pictures say-'Oh the girls are looking gorgeous', even if your looking a bit frumpy next to the thinner ones, and when someone says that, you know it includes YOU.

Sometimes when you have no energy and you stop by a mirror or any flat surface that you can see your reflection in (lol) you think to yourself, 'I'm tired but I'm not going to give up because I'm sure that girl i see there can do this. She looks like she has potential and is rather cute too'

'looking your best' is the best of you that you show to the world...I know I haven't been doing this a lot,but I swear people are nicer to me when I've done up my face well. I guess being thin isn't always the greatest thing or the only thing...but I still miss the days when I was thinner-finding an outfit that actually fit right was a lot easier.But hey its easier to be this person, than that girl who seemingly didn't care. I'm actually enjoying Life now, and its not like I wouldn't stop everything for a few moments to enjoy some yum ice cream or cookies or anything that tickles the taste buds...face it you wouldn't have those moments forever.
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Nothing wrong with pride in your appearance. Just so long as you don’t become obsessed with it. We are what we are. We are all special in our own way x
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MarkA · 56-60, M
And I'm sure it makes you feel more confident and that will come across in your body language and demeanor and consequently other people's perceptions of you as a person
Longtokiss · 56-60, M
I think you look gorgeous. Keep trying to look your best.

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