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“Love yourself”

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This post is called “love yourself”

These photos that I have posted are photos of botched plastic surgery‘s BBL‘s and breast augmentation‘s. Some those photos include what happens to your body during waist training

In this day and age when we have access to Photoshop Snapchat filters and all different kinds of make up like nose prosthetics and even lip prosthetics. Our beauty standards today are so unrealistic and hard to live up to

A lot of women struggle with self-esteem because they do not feel like they meet societies beauty standards when in reality the beauty standards are entirely unrealistic. People like the beautiful Kardashian family are shoved down our throats and their products are shoved in our faces so subliminally we purchase them with the hopes that perhaps we can be as beautiful as someone whose entire look is prosthetic. And the same people are able to maintain this look because they have enough money to.
when in reality their entire look is completely made over. That is not what ANY of them actually look like.

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We scroll past Instagram and see so many beautiful women but the reality is all of those photos are touched up and a majority of those women use Snapchat filters and heavy make up

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These skinny bodies that resemble hour glasses that women achieve with surgery or extreme waist training which actually rearranges the internal organs in a way where the mid section appears smaller

Every time you go into surgery you were looking at a life or death situation and I mean that very literally. Surgery could go wrong at any point in time that is quite literally how Joan Rivers died. You could go in for simple dental work and could have a bad reaction to the anesthesia or get an infection that could kill you

Today beauty standards are so dangerous for our health at what cost? For beauty? Vanity? Beauty and fashion is constantly changing and evolving it has always been that way.

You are enough and worthy and beautiful just the way you are. Stop trying to be like people who don’t even look like real people and love yourself you are perfect just the way you are
ExtremeNext · 31-35 Best Comment
I'm naturally beautiful so I don't have an opinion 😉
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@ExtremeNext 🤦‍♂️
ExtremeNext · 31-35
@Degbeme 😲 what

Im all for loving yourself but no matter how much therapy some people get , they can never be truly happy with themselves. Surgery can be an beautiful thing IF done right by an reliable surgern always read the reivews and do intense research as theres so many scams out there and ones that are shit. So many are shit , its best to ask at the hosiptal you go to or your doctor for reccomdations , online isnt that relaible. Ive been wanting big boobs since I was 5 , and Cosmetic surgery can save peoples lifes and save them from so much mental pain if done properly. My therapist reccomended I go for it if thats what it takes me to truly love myself. Also , I wished I had got it done on my weight to loose it as ive had anoerxia for 11 years , 11 years of hell which could have been prevented. I couldnt even look at my body , I nearly got an infection from tying things around it and leaving it on 24/7 , I nearly died from not eating , ive made myself throw up , ive made myself ill from getting drunk so I didnt have to eat , ive eaten toliet paper , ive not eaten for weeks and months before , I would have given up everything I owned if surgery could have saved me from 11 years of that.
Oster1 · M
Your words, could never be so true or wiser! Just the facts! 🤷‍♂️
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Oster1 why thank you my dear friend 🌺🥰🤗
Oster1 · M
@DeluxedEdition It was all yours. I just agreed! 🌺🥰🤗❤️😘🌹
Oster1 · M
@DeluxedEdition Wow! my emoticons can be too much! I just have feelings!

So sorry, for having them! 😊
Classified · M
Some of that stuff should be legit illegal
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Classified I agree 🤷‍♀️
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DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@SomeMichGuyyou are so right. well said 🙂
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
People profiting of of this should be held accountable. Plastic surgeons will always tell you you need surgery
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Rolexeo there’s this new notion where surgeons like to say “I wish plastic surgery was just as accepted as makeup”

Yea I bet you do 😂
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
@DeluxedEdition There's this site where people post pics of themselves and plastic surgeons answer their questions and recommend surgery. They often use the word NEED and it's always something expensive that they absolutely dont need, like rhinoplasty. Iirc you even have to pay to talk to them online, it's disgusting.
Im male and agree
If you ever see a celeb without the makeup or clothes and hair done the male and female celeb looks like a regular person looks. And as you said filters are used in tv and magazines
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F

You are absolutely right.
Wyocowboy · M
I guess that BBL is now out for me. 😉. Hardest thing for people to love themselves as they are, thanks for posting
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Wyocowboy I actually wanted one of those surgeries at one point 😪

When the reality hits you it’s not so desirable anymore
Wyocowboy · M
@DeluxedEdition You are beautiful just like you are.
FutureIdol · 31-35, M
I'm incredibly lucky to have not been botched.
Justenjoyit · 61-69, M
Very good post, I think people have not been prepared for todays social media with all the picture cropping, filters and paint bushing effects its all just fantasy land but unfortunately some people are benchmarking themselves against it or people judge others by it, so very sad that people want to try and look like it.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@Justenjoyit it’s very sad unrealistic and unfortunate😭
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@DeluxedEdition thank you so much for writing this. The immense pressure put on women today by social media is so unrealistic.

If people want to use filters they should but I see girls my sons age of 14) using filters and they feel like they can’t even dream of posting a picture without it being edited.

This leads to those girls growing up and wanting to have cosmetic procedures to try and maintain those unrealistic beauty standards.

I am not saying that women shouldn’t have any cosmetic procedures done but for some they just can’t stop.

I have seen it here. I have seen women put down other women and men make rude and hurtful comments if a woman doesn’t fit those unrealistic beauty standards,

I have boys so it certainly isn’t the same as it is for girls but I don’t allow them to have social media.

Thank you for this post 💖
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User I am so glad too. I can’t imagine growing up as a girl now. My boys are 14 and 9 and they have it bad enough but for girls the expectations society has for them are just too much.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@iamonfire696 thank you for the contribution the post 🤗

This is why it’s so important A majority of the population mainly online are younger impressionable people

I hate to hear that young girls are wanting to get lip fillers my goodness when we were young the taboo thing was wearing eyeliner😭😭
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@DeluxedEdition I know it’s really awful. I made a post here about using filters a few months ago. Someone who was blocked from me thought it was against them because I guess they use filters. I had only ever seen one or two pictures of this person.

I don’t care what people want to do it’s just disheartening to see it starting so young. It’s because I saw my friends daughters using them. A few of them I have never seen a picture of theirs without a filter. It’s sad.
Myself11 · 61-69, M
Girls with curves are more attractive in my opinion
I am warned.. be careful what I click on!
It's really concerning seeing this behavior in young girls. These days, we are seeing 10 year old girls wearing makeups, mascara and fake eyelashes. Why on earth are the mothers allowing them to do this? These little girls are literally in pain trying to look like super models, at 10 years old.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@RocktheHouse I ask the same question all the time. It’s like the children are being groomed and moms don’t even notice because they’re busy trying to out do the next person
empanadas · 31-35, M
With all the plastic surgery out there, natural beauty looks so much more attractive
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DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@InstructHer I saw a show or some people were never even able to work a regular job again because the surgery made them so disabled

I saw some people attached to wound vacs.

People recovering a lifetime from these surgeries. It’s not worth it just love yourself 😩

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