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Artificial intelligence

I believe we need to develop Real Human Intelligence throgh Education, Training and Manners, before we expend more resources on Artificial Intelligence.
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Absolutely, and help our homeless get off the streets. Love Thy Neighbor.
Nah. Have you seen us? Not even just recently, but throughout our history? We haven't gotten worse. But we haven't gotten better, either. We don't change. Not fast enough, anyway. But AI? It can carry the torch forward to places we could never hope to reach. Create a world we can't even dream of. It'll be our legacy. I wish I could live to see it... Though if I did, I'm certain I wouldn't comprehend it. What would take us centuries, they'll do in weeks. There's nothing wrong with knowing when to leave the stage. Bow out with grace and take pride in the part you played, even if it turns out you were the opening act, rather than the star.
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Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
@DeWayfarer The actual phrase appears to have been coined in print by an IBM programmer named George Fuechsel in 1962
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zeggle · 61-69, M
I think (we!) Way need a higher consciousness. A new gene of evolution, a new (we!) And AI might provide the new direction.
Penny · 46-50, F
well, though artificial intelligence seems like it could have useful applications, im totally against physical type AI robots
LisetteVDB · F
Nice post!
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
@LisetteVDB Thank you Carla
LisetteVDB · F
@Sequoia51 welcome!
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
We have an AI prime minister in England
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
I agree and more open minded thinking instead of the narrow minded version that is blinkered being brainwashed into kids today .
Well, schools aren't safe, kids aren't safe, the economy has everyone scrambling and the media is privatized.
Americans are getting lower and lower scores on IQ tests and profits are record high.

Military spending is record high. War is endless and expanding. The USA forces the ecocide to proceed globally through military might.
The winners have no reason to let that happen. The loser people are sick beyond comprehension. Good luck.
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