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Should I wait to get clients before or after getting into hardware automation?

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Before Hardware
After Hardware
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My venture will use both software (AI and AGI whenever that comes out) and hardware (robotics, IoT, wearables, autonomous vehicles, etc) to fully automate jobs. The target industries are skilled trades, resource extraction, and institutional (banks, hospitals, schools, ports/terminals, govt offices, courts, telecom, etc), whereas my target market would be subrural, rural, and remote areas.

Obviously it's gonna take me far longer to actually succeed in automating jobs in those industries in those places, but that also means I can take my time to succeed instead of rushing things. Plus, I don't have to compete with most other people, since they'll be serving suburban and urban areas and/or targetting industries easier to automate.

I will still be willing to automate jobs in retail, food services, hospitality, tech, engineering, science, mathematics, arts, humanities, media, entertainment, law enforcement, military, intelligence agencies, etc. However, they aren't my priority so if they complain my goods and services suck, then I'll remind them of that.

Before you tell me, yes I know that skilled trades are difficult to automate, but that only applies to essential trades like plumber, electrician, HVAC, and carpenter along with semi-essential trades like painter, roofer, chef, and mechanic; most trades are fully non-essential so yeah. If I wait for hardware automation before selling, then I probably won't be in business until the early to mid 2030s.

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