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Barefoot Romantic Partner?

Poll - Total Votes: 16
A. Barefooter before you met
B. Barefooter because of you
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Presuming you have a preference for a romantic partner who is a full-time barefooter (or at least as much as possible), would you rather have: A. a partner who was already a barefooter when you met, meaning they would be barefoot regardless of your relationship; or B. a partner who became a barefooter because they know you like it, meaning they do it out of love for you, but may not really be that into going barefoot otherwise?
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I would like a girl to do things because she knows I'm into them but I would much rather that she personally enjoys them as well. Because if a girl does not enjoy what she is doing it just seems superficial and I lose enjoyment too
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@KingofBones1 How would you feel about it if she started doing it just for you, but then decided that she really liked going barefoot?
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@southerncrossfire44 I would be okay too because she enjoys it
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Vickie was a barefooter before we met. I gringed when we walked gravel together. She was who she was and wouldn't have changed anything about her. I'll miss her until the life in me shuts down.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@Gibbon So sorry for your loss. She must have been a very special lady.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@southerncrossfire44 She was one of a kind as they say. She never met a stranger. We were in our ways different but each other's rarely found person.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
My boyfriend was barefoot when I first met him,👣and knew then and there that I he was the one for me.🥰
He's still always barefoot and I still always wear shoes. We both like it that way, and we're still together.
I'd be very careful, though, of anyone who became anything for me that they weren't already.
That doesn't generally work out well in the long run.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@onewithshoes Fair point, but hypothetically, if you started dating a different guy who was not a barefooter, would you attempt to convince him to try barefooting? If he started doing it, would that please you? If he declined, would you break it off for that reason?
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
@southerncrossfire44 Yes, I suppose I'd try. An immediate decline would be a painless, a much later 'This isn't for me.' might be very painful. Thus my advice to be wary, as most people have a great willingness to reshape themselves to the wishes of a new partner at the beginning of a relationship, but tend later to want to reclaim their own original habits and preferences.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
@onewithshoes I tend to agree with you that "coerced" changes are not really viable long term and can create a rift in a relationship. Even so, I think many people have a desire for their partner to be just a little more "perfect," and try to make that happen, regardless of risk.
southerncrossfire44 · 46-50, M
It looks like there's a strong preference for finding a partner who's already a barefooter when you meet. I would probably vote for that option, too, but I'm surprised that the vote is not closer.
I do think it would be a wonderful sign of love if a partner became a barefooter because they knew you would like it. That said, it would have to be the partner's decision to do so, rather than being coerced or manipulated by you,
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