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Gonna have to take the week off of training i think

I think I've like sprained? my wrist/arm?. It's weird, it's a dull ache that's more so when I put weight on my left forearm. It's the arm I've been kicked in the most when holding pads, my right is okay so I'm attributing it to that a bit.

Also I've pounded the pavement so hard this week that I'll probs injure myself if I start doing training sessions at this rate. It's good in a way because I'll reap all the benefits from this next week, finally healed all my bruises and get to do a bit of strength and resistance training.

Wanna get some meat on my arms when it's healed so I can take more as my arm strength in terms of impact isn't great (skinny wrists).

I've improved though, I can do sets of 30 double leg raises from the floor, I couldn't even do 15 when I started before my back/core gave out. Banging out sit ups that I couldn't do before, push ups are nothing and my cardio is getting on track to be what it was when I was running like 25+km a week last year.

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