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Would I still be considered a sugar daddy if she's older?

TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M Best Comment
A Sugar Daddy to a Cougar
Never Heard of thst
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Desolate Hey..
Nothing is Wrong in doing that
So long as No kids are Wrongly involved
Ill Add..Neither should be married

After that.... Hey...For for it and have
@TheDisciplinarian SW really got you putting all those disclaimers?
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
@Desolate me..but hey..ok..

Blondily · F
You'd be a sugar baby 👶 lol
Blondily · F
@Desolate many men would envy you🥴 lol
@Blondily oh for sure... and she'd be very lucky :)
Blondily · F
@Desolate Yes she would!🤭
BigImo · 22-25, F
I think that should just be called a sugar dad
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BigImo · 22-25, F
@Chusmon07 no cos I'm not a virgin
@BigImo ew. Virgins only please.
That depends on your sugar level.
@mindstruggle can you test mine?
No, probably a sugar orphan 😊
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HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
You want to run that by me again?
As long as you pay the bills.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That’s funny to think about lol
@iamonfire696 define "funny" 😏
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Desolate The comment Sugar Daddy to a cougar lol.

That was funny. The relationship though is not funny, that’s all good if you’re both happy.

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