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What is the best kinky date, or best date ever you have ever been on?

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I in my mid 20s, I had been messaging an Asian girl named Jen for months on social media. She told me that her parents were sending her to college at UCLA. That was great because I lived in Los Angeles. On arrival day I picked her up at LAX. She was dressed in a nice white flowery sun dress, and I was in jeans and a long sleeved shirt. The evening was warm, and instead of taking her straight to her dorm, we decided to do a “first date.”

So we drove to The Santa Monica Pier for some dinner. I was so happy to me holding hands with Jen after so many months messaging. We sat in a secluded part of the restaurant and watched the moon slowly rise in the East. Sitting beside Jen, I could feel her warm leg firmly pressed against mine. When no one was looking, I tickled her waist under the table. She would jump and giggle kissing my cheek each time. Trying not to look obvious, everyone could still tell we were on a date. Our waitress told us that we made a cute couple. When I ordered some drinks, she happily brought them to us. We stayed until closing.

After restaurant closed for the night, Jen wanted to walk along the shoreline in the warm night air. She thought it would be nice to go down to the water and maybe get her toes wet. As the tide slowly came in , the water rushed over our tennis shoes before we could remove them. The water felt refreshing, and we just laughed about our wet tennis shoes. As we walked down the beach a larger wave rushed by, soaking my jeans to the knees. Laughing, Jen said she wanted to now call me “Wetpants.” Suddenly, we started splashing each other, and chasing each other thru the surf. It was not long before we were both soaked. Then Jen told me she needed to pee. Needing to pee myself, I scanned the beach for the nearest bathroom. Then a big rolling wave came in pushing Jen into me. Turning to jen I French kissed her for the first time. With the water now up to our waists, Jen started to look embarrassed as warm water started passing thru my jeans. Jen looked up at me apologetically and said she could not hold her pee. I told her not to worry, because I was about to re-heat the water with a pee of my own. Holding Jen close to me, I completely peed out, filling my jeans crotch with warm pee. As the water turned warm around us again, Jen started giggling, saying she liked naughty boys. We laughed and waded deeper until the water reached out shoulders. There we necked and explored each other’s bodies with our hands. That is when I realized that Jen wore no underwear, Working up her sundress, I suddenly found my hands in a place where the sun don’t shine. A little shocked, I asked her why she wore no underwear. Jen told me that she liked the airy feeling, and thought her sundress looked better without underwear. Laughing, I told Jen that I liked naughty girls. We were like two naughty teenagers swimming in our clothes sneaking French kisses between the waves.

Around 4:00 am we started heading back to the pier. Jen’s shiny wet dress glistened her slender body in the moonlight. Walking past the Santa Monica Beach Club, there were lounge beds neatly spread about the beach. We stopped to lay down, rest, and look at the star filled sky. A warm wind blue across the shoreline. While making out on that lounge bed I became rock hard as Jen rubbed her hand around my crotch. Jen smiled as she could feel the stiff lump stuffed in my jeans. Saying the pressure was not good, she reached down and un-buttoned my jeans. As we necked and explored each other, our bodies moved closer and closer. The next thing I knew, I was slipping into Jen. I was so turned on, all I remember was wanting to go as deep as I could into her. So there we were, under a star filled sky making love for the first time. I’ts a moment I will never forget. We stayed there on the lounge bed until the first beams of sunshine lite the sky.

Walking back to the pier, Jen needed to pee again. Instead of walking to the bathroom, she took my hand and waded out into the morning surf. There, we both ended up peeing out in our clothes and necking. But morning it was, and we could see joggers coming down the beach. Leaving the water, we went back to my car, and I drove Jen to her dorm at UCLA. At Jen’s dorm, the residents looked a little surprised as we walked to her room trailing seawater behind us. We dated for two years. In her fifth semester Jen simply did not return to UCLA. I lost contact after that :-P
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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Too bad you lost contact.

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