A lot of people in the USA are overweight. That's a fact. Being curvy means you're larger in certain spots. If you've got a big belly then you're overweight - anyone that says otherwise is stupid
@SirEldridge I half agree with you, but 'curvy means you're larger in certain spots'. Larger than who? Than what size? It's only because we are 'told' by media, by society, that 'thin' is normal or that there is a standard you must meet to be considered beautiful. There are plus size models who are not small, but not overweight... or at least not in the sense you mentioned before, having big bellies. They to me are 'curvy'. They are soft, voluptuous, whatever you want to call it, but proportionately. I used to be skinny, then I got curvy, then I got fat. I have no problem admitting it, but I hate that any female who doesn't have a toned body is dismissed as fat.
@Emele okay first off beauty has nothing to do what I'm saying. Beauty can be found in everything no matter how healthy or unhealthy. I personally consider curvy is when you have more thighs/hips/butt/breasts until your belly starts spilling over. A lot of plus size models really don't have much for a belly so I would consider them more curvy. I want to clear up that I never said the word "fat" I was strictly speaking about how being overweight is unhealthy and my personal definition of curvy is not unhealthy. I don't like when large people use the excuse of them being "curvy" when they are actually overweight because that is telling people it's okay to be overweight