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I Am A Black Girl From Montana [I Am A Black Girl]

I couldn't find a group called growng up black in Montana so I just chose I am a black girl. Okay, so I grew up in Montana. Yup, it was rough. Not only did I have dark brown skin, but a big afro to go along with it. Hair relaxers caused my hair to break so I was forced to wear my fro when my sister didnt have time to braid my hair. I never got used to the subtle racism in school. I never got used to the stares and the annoying questions, like how I got my hair so curly and if it felt heavy on my head. One lady even looked at my hair and asked me if I was from Africa..sigh. In school, there were times when I felt I was befriended or treated extra nice only because I was black and my so called friends didnt want to be seen as racist. Oh, and I havent even gotten to dating yet..Yeah poor me. Yeah dating sucked for me in Montana. I didnt go to my prom. I had to deal with racism and guys being too intimiated to ask me out because I was black. They would flirt and stare but wouldnt dare. There was like two black guys in school in case youre wondering.They were out of the picture. I "dated" a white guy named Brian with orange hair in high school for a very short time. We used to walk to school together sometimes and copy each other's homework. I didnt havent a real boyfriend until I was in college. We were actually in the same class in highschool and talked to him a few times. I was so excited when I find out he was in my college class. Im like yay I have a friend. We later became more than friends. He happens to my boyfriend now.😍 I am a black girl and he is Native American, and we accept each other. We are both people of color, fighting for change. You wont find too many couples who look like us especially in Montana, so I see it as a beautiful thing. We both watched the protests they recently had in Montana and it was very surprising to me. I teared up. Some reading this right now might not agree with it but you know what, my people have gone through and still go through so much $hit in this country and theres theres no way anyone can deny that. It felt good inside to see white people showing up because it showed me that they care about me. For years Ive always heard white people dont love us. They dont care about us. Well you cant say that now black people. Many do. During all the protests I got got evil looks from white people. Others were extra nice to me more than they usually are. I was standing at the door step with my boyfriend one day and some white dude across the street yelled for us to hurry up and get inside the house. Later on as I drove past his house really slowly. I turned up hip hop music in my car really loud. hehe FYI; i dont even really listen to hip hop music.But anyway, It is what is is. And why give me an evil look? You dont know ANYTHING about me. I wouldnt walk around giving white people a dirty look. Why should I do that to a stranger that I dont even know. Please make that make sense. We may have disagreements about some issues, and thats okay. At the end of the day, we need love each other. We need to respect each other and do everything in love. We have to do everything with a clean heart, with pure motives.
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OtuLight · 26-30, M
I believe you. We're all humans afterall and one of the same species. Still I'm baffle by how people treat each other in today's time. I see many people have a compassionate and understanding heart yet almost many are just too busy living their life. The sad thing is only a handful people are really out there to lend a helping hand or a shoulder to cry on. The truth is, we human can do so much more in helping or solving the problems in society if we can all come together. I believe that it's possible.🤷‍♂️ If only everyone give their time and try to understand one another.
jaymic64 · M
Thanks for posting your story. People need to realize we are all in this together. United we stand, divided we fall still rings true.
JaggedLittlePill · 46-50, F
Thank you for sharing your story. I stand with you and your boyfriend!

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