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Could there have been a time when absolutely nothing existed?

There was just a complete, total nothingness?

I have come across people who struggled to answer this question in the past and felt like proposing this strangely thought provoking idea here
Northwest · M
No one can explain time. Solutions within quantum general relativity, have been proposed, but none satisfactory. Time, is also a construct of how our universe was born. Outside of our universe's frame, no dimensions existed, and time is just another dimension.
Northwest · M
@sexyjigsaw Someone took a picture of the tree, therefore "I saw the tree fall" so it did fall.
@Northwest uhhh, I mean, we didn't see it fall but we see the tree 😅
Paleontologists and geologists would look at something like this and then infer it has fallen. That's why I believe that if nobody was there and a tree fell, we could tell. The contextual clues left behind

Do you agree with my approach? 👀
Northwest · M
uhhh, I mean, we didn't see it fall but we see the tree

There is a record of a specific tree falling, therefore it has fallen.

Here's the part you're missing: A specific tree, not just any tree.
Entheesa · 31-35, F
It's three sides of a coin to the human mind. My father talked about this dilemma with me when I was still in kindergarten haha, he proposed the idea of: The universe can't be infinite, it can't go on endlessy, it'll have to stop at one point, right? But then, what's on the other side? We can't imagine infinity nor nothingness. There has to be one right answer, to your question as well (which is the question of what came first? The chicken or the egg), but it's impossible for our minds to comprehend. 😆
@Entheesa think of this with me for a second
You exist
Things happened before you

OBVIOUSLY the things that needed to happen before you in order for you to exist as you do now had to happen 😂
Cuz if they didn't, you wouldn't be here

But think of this.

We got two things that need to take place:

1. You exist (as a FACT)
2. There were things that needed to happen before you, before you're even able to exist

So, the question is this. Suppose your existence is task A. Suppose everything that had to exist before you exist was task B. (Kinda weird for B to come before A in this example but bear with me)

You are task A. You HAVE to happen and you are a fact. So this means that task A is completed.

If task B needed to happen before you, it couldn't be infinite, right? 👀
Reason being.... task A has happened. You DO exist. Sooooo, this is the crazy part if you see where I'm taking this. Could there have been an infinite number of things before us?
Entheesa · 31-35, F
@sexyjigsaw Hey, I'm not online very often, but I'd still like to reply. :)

Let me see if I understand you correctly -- you think that because I am a fact, what happened before me, in order for me to exist, had to happen for a fact as well, before they happened?

If task B needed to happen before you, it couldn't be infinite, right? 👀

Why not?
you think that because I am a fact, what happened before me, in order for me to exist, had to happen for a fact as well, before they happened?
I am saying the highlighted portion so I conclude that ya get me :D

Nothing can happen before it happens but you happened. Therefore, everything that took place before you had to happen as well

Why not?

Because if an infinite number of things had to happen before you, they would never finish (because they're infinite); thus meaning that you wouldn't exist because you would wait infinitely.

But you do exist. This indicates that the number of things that had to happen before you couldn't be infinite.
This is "if a tree fell in the forest."
Joshua19842022 · 36-40, M
Very well could have been but I think that's a mystery not likely discovered on this plain of existence ☺️
@Joshua19842022 well, let's think about it, that would mean you're a thing. I'm a thing. The universe is a thing. Quanta, fluctuations, energy, etc. all of these are things. They exist. How could could something come about from nothing?
Joshua19842022 · 36-40, M
@sexyjigsaw and you make a valid point indeed
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@jshm2 I meant ABSOLUTE nothingness. No somethings anywhere at all
Totally nothing

Would this make the foncept of nothing just a myth?
@SlippingAway so, if there was absolutely nothing, how would you explain the tremendous cosmos we see before ourselves?

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