Older male coworker thats flirts with me
Context: coworker, 15 years older than me, he always hits on me and I just let him sort of thing… nothing serious
My head was down and he threw a paper ball at me, I threw it back he said “you have a hard arm” i said “i have brothers and mostly male cousins” he follows with “ohhhh I know your type, you think you’re tough.” All with a smile on his face of course, “you think you’re tough…but if you get that alpha male…” and I stopped him and said “ew don’t ever say alpha again” and we both laughed at that cause it was funny and cringey
But what exactly is “my type”? And was he trying to insinuate that an “alpha male” would get me to “listen”
My head was down and he threw a paper ball at me, I threw it back he said “you have a hard arm” i said “i have brothers and mostly male cousins” he follows with “ohhhh I know your type, you think you’re tough.” All with a smile on his face of course, “you think you’re tough…but if you get that alpha male…” and I stopped him and said “ew don’t ever say alpha again” and we both laughed at that cause it was funny and cringey
But what exactly is “my type”? And was he trying to insinuate that an “alpha male” would get me to “listen”