Normanwestie · 61-69, M
Leeds, in West Yorkshire. My profile photo is the Yorkshire Rugby League team & yes with you I will certainly like to breed some children, lots of children! & be around (& sober) to help raise them
Normanwestie · 61-69, M
I think we should get together, we seem to think alike
Normanwestie · 61-69, M
Wish they would hurry up with private msgs I can say plenty to you
Normanwestie · 61-69, M
You sound as if you know Yorkshire, It has been said of me that I'm a Yorkshireman first & an Englishman second! (I agree with that). I replied to one of your other stories about travel (I've read all your profile) & said I can tell yo a bit about Australia if you want to know about the place.
Wher e abouts in England are you from?
Can't wait till there's PM!
That's a real Yorkshire lad...;)
Where in England are you from?
I'm 31 ... I like older guys ;)
Are you a breeder?