The Older I Get, the More Feminine and Submissive I Feel.
When I was younger, I was very masculine and definitely had a macho ego. I was super competitive and not submissive at all. Now, I still play sports and would like to be competitive, but I find myself more interested in being social/flirting with the other guys and I just don’t care. I feel lesser than all the others. I don’t know if it is the fact that your testosterone levels get lower the older you get and that contributes to it or if I’m just more feminine now? I speak a lot softer (yes, seems like I even sound a little flamboyant at times) and I am more worried about making sure I have a pedicure, manicure and dress nice. I also used to love to fix my car and all myself, but now I don’t want to get my hands dirty and enjoy watching another man fixing it for me….sigh
Does anyone else have the same experience?
Does anyone else have the same experience?