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My chicken is baking and I felt like writing this stuff out I am very mentally active this morning

I am comfortable making the positive claim that no gods I have ever heard or read about exist. This includes but is not limited to: the abrahamic, hindu, norse, greek, egyptian, Polynesian, native, and other assorted deities.

Reality doesn't line up with what we would expect if any of these gods existed.

I am not making any more of a leap saying gods don't exist than I am by saying vampires don't exist...though they're actually more likely to be real than gods. Their lore is more consistent. Same thing with mermaids and aliens.

There's also a point to be made about how the very definition of a god is up for debate. For example, some people worship nature gods. I would say anything that can be harmed or affected by human actions is not a god at all.

There's a whole debate to be had with the new age religious folk that's rarely talked about because everyone is too busy trying disprove the abrahamic deity. IMHO yhwh is child's play. The only reason it sticks so strongly is childhood indoctrination and predation on the desperate and lonely.

The way to combat theism of all types IMHO is to embrace community and offer a space to be together in a similar way to Christian fellowship meetings. As we focus on meeting the needs of people in our communities and building those networks, people will naturally abandon religion. Look at places where this has already happened and you'll see what I mean.

I think this is why the American political system loves war and fear and division and why as those things get worse we are being driven to theocracy. It's like I'm watching a similar dystopia as V for Vendetta or the Handmaids Tale unfold right before my eyes.

So be nice to people.
Peaceandnamaste · 26-30, F
I'm Native American and I practice my own culture and spirituality, Nature and Universe is my god. Natives and indigenous people from all over the world were forced and killed by Europeans to convert to Christianity. Before Christianity and Islam was forced on them they respected nature and saw the Universe and everything in it as divine and one yet abrahamic religions view god as a masculine figure in the sky that is separate from the Universe and they view women less than men, Natives believed in multiple genders instead of 2.

Other philosophies and spiritual systems tend to balance the masculine and feminine instead of having the masculine over the feminine. Where women are viewed as sacred and not demonized and blamed like Christianity that teaches that all women are the blame for the sin of Eve and should be silenced.

Abrahamic religions: God is a male and the Earth was created in literal 7 days, yet people take their religious books seriously instead of viewing their books as allegories, legends and parables.

Most Pagans and those that revere or worship nature accept that evolution is true and don't take their creation myths or stories seriously. Some see the gods as real literal beings and some see them just archetypes, symbols and the forces of the cosmos and nature. Heck even our Native elders admit that their stories are just stories they just call themselves storytellers.

I'm mostly Hopi and part Polynesian.

There could be some collective unconsciousness that connects everything and the whole Multiverse but it's not some dude or fairy in the sky.

gods and goddesses are really just personified, anthropomorphized and archetypal forces of nature and the cosmos and some were manifested from the collective unconsciousness of humans during hard ancient times.

We've all heard that energy that never dies and can't be created or destroyed so after we die our energy and matter will be recycled back into the Universe into different forms. Heaven and hell are really just only states of mind and not actual real places.

gdon39 · 46-50, M
Very interesting. I’m glad you felt like sharing your thoughts.

My first thought is how much we need something to believe in. It’s very important.

I’m spiritual and my heart, thoughts and love are about doing whatever I can to help at least one person a day. I call it think global and act local. If anyone was to be paying attention to someone doing a good deed for another then perhaps they will do it as well.

That being said, I’ve raised over 6,500 pounds of food just this year alone and it’s for distribution in my community

I’m confused about what you said about war , fear and division with Americans Would you explain your thoughts? You can dm if you prefer
plungesponge · 41-45, M
I don't believe there is a god out there external to us, but I think there is a kind of collective narrative (maybe nothing more than an impulse) within the minds of most humans that is close to an eye of God, seeking meaning and justice and fulfilment. Personally I think that is more than enough to create morals around, without needing a man-in-the-sky entity
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Belief in the supernatural, i.e. religion, is indeed against reason. Many people, however, REALLY want to believe there is an afterlife, either heaven or reincarnation. I understand the attraction. I wish it were true myself.

Personally, I'm an atheist. I also believe in religious tolerance. People can choose to be Christians, or whatever, as long as they respect the rights of others to believe as they wish. However, if they try to force their religion on others and do not respect secular institutions, then we got a problem.
Alabama · 100+, F
@badminton God is energy not a being in the sky, energy can't be created or destroyed only transformed.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@badminton so american christians then
Alabama · 100+, F
To me God is energy not some being in the sky
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@Alabama so you worship electricity? 😉
Alabama · 100+, F
@Doomflower Yes and the Sun.

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