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I Am An Atheist

We all are as sick patients in desperate  need of a physician; yet, even in the availability of a great physician to provide us with healing - and inevitably tagging along, peace - we rather dwell on our foolish wisdom & arrogant self-assuredness; and because of this, run to other things, which only 'adds more fuel to the fire'.

Jesus loves you & He yearns for you! He IS ABLE to set you free of all your heavy burdens and IS WILLING to do so indeed - according to God's will - but what yet remains is that you let Him to.

Repent of your sins and give your life to Christ! Only in Him will you find perfect rest. His peace, I even am living witness to.
Lincoln98 · 22-25, M
Preachy stuff? How have I preached to you in my previous reply? I only answered your questions, giving explanation, yet you say I preach. I have preached to you beforehand but you have for homing a biased heart rejected it.

Is it enough that one should claim to be something yet not make it evident? Is it not a man's works that justifies him before other men & not just his words alone? Indeed, I know that God is righteous, because I know HIM; and HE is even made evident to the world through creation (& the conscience).

Despite witnessing all the marvel he sees, which point out to a sign that there indeed is a creator, the fool yet says in his heart, "There is no God!", because He has drifted His heart far away from understanding; he believes himself to know a great deal yet all his knowledge is foolishness & will perish with him.
God has made himself evident through creation, that all can then realise and come with a true heart in search to know Him (for sin <has> has put a chasm between us and God). When they realise - & indeed, since they could beginning reasoning well for themselves should they have been capable to realise - they seek Him & find Him & are able to have a relationship with Him through His Christ, whom is the mediator between God and man.
They find Him because they searched for Him with an open heart; not holding any bias, seeking Him with their whole heart.

By Christ do I have a relationship with God, and by the Holy Spirit working in me, aiding me, I am able to better combat my fleshly desires/carnality, drawing to an even closer relationship with God, in Christ. This is something you do not understand nor will you understand because you have rejected understanding. As only a happy couple alone know & understand how strong their love for each other is - though it is noticed by others, it cannot be wholly measured - so also a child of God knows & understands the love he/she shares with his/her Father in Heaven & is also able to tell His presence from any other.
This is something you neither know nor can know because the Holy Spirit does not dwell in you.

Actually, my dear friend, God says "you shall not murder" (Exodus 20:13;Deuteronomy 5:17) & not "you shall not kill" as you have come to insinuate. I assume you're a man of wisdom, my friend; then you should come to know that there is a difference between 'kill' and 'murder'. If not, please refer to Google.

You carnal minded fellow. Bashing God is no enough for you but now you set to bring false accusations against Him, for your merit? I pray your soul will not be condemned but saved; that it will be convicted & brought to realisation of sin, God, & salvation through Christ.
God did not kill Jeroboam's son, as you have surely wrongly accused. His son had caught a life-threatening illness & Jeroboam sought to have God heal His son but God refused. As God knows all, He knew what time the illness would take hold of the son's life, & by the prophet Ahijah made I known to Jeroboam's wife who came to see him (Verse 12). Verse 13 of the chapter even affirms what I tell you, that God loved Him, yet you say He murdered Him.

After life is death to life eternal in either of two places, Heaven or Hell. Those who love(d) God, saved in Christ & obeying His word, are/will be in Heaven, but those who hated God whilst in earth, swimming in sinful ways, have by themselves condemned their souls to hell, because they (have) heard the warnings from the mouth of Christians - whom they regard(ed) as fools - saying to repent & give their life to Christ lest hell be their portion.
Ahijah died a man of God. It is even profitable for his soul that God refused to give heed to Jeroboam & heal his son, because he is surely with God, saved from Hell. If God healed him & he had on turned away from God back into sin & died in his sins, is that not Woe for his soul? God has done & did a good thing indeed. But that you will suddenly come to understand, I do not expect (but I do hope).

I fear I may not explain to you well enough in reference to your other 3 accusations so I refer you instead to thsee links which do justice to an explanation, even for you.

Nadab & Abihu -

Uzzah -

Elisha & the 'children' -

Do do well to be non-hypocritical, as you have surely made known to me, by opening those links. No right thing in being bias, eh?. Haha! I love you, brother.

Our conversation might end here. I intended to not reply anymore but my spirit could not easily grow settled seeing your ignorance on matters - not stating you haven't read the Bible or anything like that.

God bless you, mate.
Yes, a finite crime.

Here on earth, we sort of have it figured out - the severity of your crime dictates the severity of your punishment. We wouldn't sentence a simple thief the same as we would a serial murderer. But your "loving" God makes no such distinction.

For instance, me simply not believing in your God is enough of an infraction to be sentenced to the fiery pits of hell, even if I don't break any other of his 600 odd laws in the Bible. And that's his punishment across the board. Murderer? Hell. Rapist? Hell. Blasphemy? Hell. Eat pork? Hell. Wear a cotton blend top? Hell. Cut your hair on the sides of your head? Hell. Does that seem right to you?

That is unless, I repent. And then God doesn't seem to care. Rapist? Murder? Have you repented? Well that's alright then. But don't say his name with a sh*tty attitude otherwise you know where you're going... hell.

Maybe you're okay with that backwards way of judgement, but a lot of us aren't.
Lincoln98 · 22-25, M
You are mistaken, mate.

First & Foremost; righteous justice is not served, because you - just as every other person without the fear of God in their heart - categorise sin into (which is) good & bad / pass & no go / pleasing & not acceptable - based on your preferential scale of severity. Lying is condoned/exalted, as a result of dividing it into preferable categories - white & black lie. So also is stealing, murder, & so on. And all this is done to satisfy one's corrupt heart, because in severing the conscience/having no justice in all things, man then tends to carry out his mostly corrupt heart desires without fear of any other.

God is a righteous being, the entity of perfection itself, and will not condone error/sin/unrighteousness - whcih is agaist His nature - but will have it destroyed, just as a farmer throws all the bad crops into the fire.
You speak carnal mindedly is why you yet have a hand favoring unrighteous deeds.

Every man sins - EVEN YOU CAN THIS VERY MOMENT PAY WITNESS TO THAT - so that you might not break any of His rules - as stated by you - is you misleading yourself. Creation alone reveals the attributes of God, let alone His Spirit, whom is homed into the hearts of believers.
Neither the eating of pork nor the wearing of mixed fabric nor the cutting of the hair on the sides of the head is a sin.

I see you use the word 'repentance- callously. What does it mean to repent? Tell me, when a criminal whole-heartedly turns away from his/her old ways, does the judge not wipe the criminal's slate clean after a period of time (a specific period of time because the judge stays perseverant, observing the activity of the ex-convict as to where he/she Indeed whole-heartedly turned aside from his/her wicked ways. The judge knows not the convict's heart)?? Even so, just as the judge wipes the slate away clean of a convict, God does the same to for those who whole-heartedly repent (His does not require a specific period of time to pass by first because God knows the content of the heart of man, thereby knowing whether such a one is truly repenting or not).

Since God's ways - which are most just - do you consider as backwards, then you indirectly affirm the earthly judges' own as so to, because their verdicts - though their hearts not be as pure yet the knowledge of good still is in it - are almost akin to God's. And for this then, you even are an hypocrite, because you have cried out bittery against God - whom you even have not laid eyes on yet - but keep sealed your lips tight against judges who are flesh and blood, just as you are.
I'm going to ignore the preachy stuff, because that doesn't work with me, and you didn't address much of what I said; but you said a few things that made me curious.

"God is a righteous being" - how do you know that? How do you know he is "righteous" and "perfect"? Because he said so? That's enough for you?

"whcih is agaist His nature" - so not only do you think you know God exists, but you also claim to know what his/her/its nature is? Remarkable.

It seems everything you said hinges on those two statements, but I wonder how you can even claim to know such things.

By the way, you call me a hypocrite, but isn't one of God's commandments "thou shall not kill"? And yet, here are some examples of God killing people;

- He burnt Nadab and Abihu to death for not getting a ritual right (Leviticus 10:-31)

- Jeroboam's son, who he killed in his mothers arms (1 Kings 14:10-18)

- 42 children who mocked the prophet Elisha for being bald; God had two bears maul them all to death (2 Kings 2:23-24)

- God smote Uzzah - you know why? Because an Ox almost knocked the Arc over, and Uzzah tried to stop it. No really, that's the reason God killed him (Samuel 6:6-7)

There's literally hundreds of thousands more examples. And yet, I'm the sinful hypocrite? Hey, when I make a rule, I stick by it. But it seems more a case of "Do as I say, not as I do" with God..
Lincoln98 · 22-25, M
Just as a crime is worthy of punishment, so also is sin; and a criminal, of incarceration.
We all have sinned and are guilty of it and unless we repent, we justly - just as done to convicts - would be reserved into incarceration. The wages of sin is death (this death is not a physical one - as you've come to know death - but a spiritual one/eternal damnation in hell)

Just as God is a loving God, He also is a God full of & of Justice. That we might evade the deserved judgement to come, He cries out to the earth that we all should repent & give our life His only begotten son, Jesus, who lived a life on earth in perfect obedience to God's word, making Him stand as the perfect sacrifice indeed, for our sins. He died for us all.
God through those who have turned in to Him urges everyone to repent. All who do not have dambed their souls, and will be rightfully judged to hell. Their condemnation is on their own heads. They, while on earth, heard the warning of hell & the cry to come to repentance in Christ but rather refused and rejected Him. Their knowledge of this even will stand witness against them on judgement day.

That we might not be punished, as truly deserved, God urges us to repent; same done just as by most judges.

If you, after gaining this knowledge, still insist otherwise on God's word, then you also have considered the earthly judges unfair, and therefore, have indirectly stated that all criminals ought to walk free. In that, you are corrupt and do not have a desire for justice but partiality (to your favour and to that of one you consider)

My dear friend, repent now; tomorrow isn't promised; the end indeed is near.
So bottom line, you believe a fair punishment for a finite crime is an infinite servitude in hell? Do you understand just how immoral and sadistic that makes your God look?

I'd rather not believe in a being that claims a great love for a creation that it damns to eternal torment. If that's someone you can look up to - well, good luck.

As for the end times - I think that has come and gone at least 100 times. Give a rest already.
kingofthenorth87 · 36-40, M
christ lincoln98, you have clearly positioned yourself as the village idiot of SimilarWorlds. Your like the smelly homeless guy walking next to the highway in a green army jacket, no pants, a long unwashed beard, holding a big "the end is near" sign while yelling incoherent bible nonsense towards all the passing cars. Some people laugh at you, others pity you, and from time to time a sane person rolls down his window, stops the car, and tries to talk some common sense with you.

I know the teenage years are tough, but damn bro!

you need to talk to someone....
Or what? He'll send us to burn in eternal hell-fires for the rest of time, right?

Sounds like a lovely chap, that God character...
Lincoln98 · 22-25, M
A finite crime? You suppose the evil intents of man's heart - both those thought & those also carried out - is just a mere/petty/finite matter? How sad. And yet, humanity ask what is wrong with humanity.

As for your asuumption of arrival of the end of days, my friend, you are entirely wrong. Seeing that you have no knowledge on when it is even or the periods which lead to it, I suppose it iw wisdom if we agree that you then are surely being bias.
frostyflower · 36-40, F
OrdinaryGuy, IKR? sounds like the most huggable, loving father figure ever! Especially when there are so many other "deceiver" religions and "false prophets" that, to my silly little heathen ear, all sound the same. Where do I sign up?
Lincoln98 · 22-25, M
Kingofthenorth87 -

Gratitude, my friend. Have a lovely day.

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