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[Astrophysics] Of Accretion Disks and When Black Holes Collide

These two videos complement each other. The first explains some of the second.

There's another type of singularity, which is primordial singularities. And involves some particle physics and dark matter.


Black Hole Accretion Disks Explained

When Black Holes Collide


Hope you found this informative. 😊
Eeenhh Neutron stars are like black holes but not quite dude. not quite. also you're referecing sea's videos just like me.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@BetweenKittensandRiots oh I only referenced my post because your video covers some forms of black holes.
@DeWayfarer we're both posting the same YouTuber, lol. Sea's content is great.

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