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Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
Sorry. Cloudy here. Venus must be in the morning now.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
It is a planet, but I don't know which. Seen through binoculars (mine are 10 X 50), it appears clearly as a bright disc, but possibly a bit too large for Saturn, by distance.
The latitude and Easterly direction is about right for where I am, in SW England, though I have noticed it higher, later at night, if the same body.
The latitude and Easterly direction is about right for where I am, in SW England, though I have noticed it higher, later at night, if the same body.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I saw it last night. Just st north of the moon. Must be Jupiter. It's outside of the sun from us and we're seeing the full face. Too bright to be Saturn and I didn't see a ring with binoculars.
Northwest · M