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Mona LIsa-Unfinished Masterpiece?

Have you ever seen something many times and don't realize it is missing something?

Leonard Da Vinci was a procrastinator. Apparently he didn't finish the Mona Lisa. Why do the experts think this? She has no eye brows.

I have seen this portrait in person many times and didn't realize it. Ok, just another useless piece of trivia for a dreary Monday morning in Florida. Sorry the picture is crooked. I am short and there were too many selfies being taken to get it straight.

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That is, indeed, an interesting observation.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
My daughter shaved off her eyebrows and hair around her ears when she was 11 years old,. For some reason she looked in the mirror and didn’t like either and got my razor and did it secretly. She had a moon face for over 6 weeks and I told her
akindheart · 61-69, F
@cherokeepatti well my eye brows fell out. i had permanent tattooing in its place. nothing wrong with me. i just lost most of my hair. but 11? wowee..i hope they grew back.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@akindheart yes they grew back. That girl was always cutting the hair off of her dolls. Every Barbie doll she whacked the hair off. I don’t know what her problem was. I threw all those dolls away after she grew up and left them in her toy box.
There! I finished it for him.

1million SW coins. Serious offers only. 🙄
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User You used a thick Sharpie to do that didn’t you? I have seen women with those Sharpie tattoos.
@cherokeepatti my artistic expression is a product of my time. Sharpie brows are what's in now.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@SW-User Apparently so. Now make colored Sharpie eyebrows great. Brown, blonde, ginger and even neon colors to match those colors of dyed hair. I think if we put it out there on the internet as a new challenge to these young-uns it will happen. Doesn’t take much to get a fad started.
Explorer · 41-45, M
Ah, the mysteries of the Mona Lisa – who knew she was missing her brows! Leonardo must have been caught up in a brow-plucking trend of the Renaissance. 😄 Thanks for adding some artful amusement! And no worries about the picture – it's just adding an avant-garde touch to the whole Mona Lisa experience. Maybe she's just trying to keep up with all those selfies! 🎨🤳
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Explorer LOL. you got the point of the story. thanks for adding!
Never noticed that. Maybe she plucked them out. Lol
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Sojournersoul me either. you can't get close enough to check out the details. i am so enamoured by famous works of art. all i can do is stare
BobTheArtModel · 61-69, M
This is not the first time I've heard the no eyebrows thing,

Last time I heard about it I googled and found this...

The Mona Lisa when Da Vinci painted her did indeed have eyebrows but that over time and over cleaning have eroded them to the point that they are no longer visible.

Pascal Cotte, an engineer who has been studying the Mona Lisa using highly detailed scans explained:

“If you look closely at Mona Lisa’s eye you can clearly see that the cracks around the eye have slightly disappeared, and that may be explained that one day a curator or restorer cleaned the eye, and cleaning the eye, probably removed the eyelashes and eyebrow,” he said.

Cotte, says that from these scans he can see traces of a left eyebrow long obscured from the naked eye by the efforts of the art restorers.
Blondily · F
She might have had very light eyebrows or maybe thats how they painted eyebrows back then.🤔

*I just looked it up and it said that over time the over cleaning of the painting eroded her eyebrows.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@Blondily i think i saw the article in the Smithsonian or History magazine. his biggest competition was Michaelangelo. and how long it took him to finish pieces. i guess either could be true-unfinished or cleaning
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Understated eyebrows seem to have been the fashion in those days.
Maybe Mona Lisa plucked them out entirely.

akindheart · 61-69, F
@Thinkerbell what a beautiful portrait. it could be. you can never get up close enough to the Mona Lisa to check it out. i just saw the article and thought it was neat.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Woman that is a poor attempt of a smile from you......................

..... what? ........... oh ........... so you`re saying that isn`t her?

...... well my face is red. 😳
I've never noticed she doesn't have eyebrows. But then, I've never been attracted to that painting. I don't know why it's so popular.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@PhoenixPhail i saw it this year at the Louvre. i have been many times. you can't get near it because of all the selfies.. it is a masterpiece. h ung in Napoleon's bedroom.
eMortal · M
Yes and he was painting a dude then changed his mind. Look how the transition from the neck to the chest is abnormal.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@eMortal good eye!
antonioioio · 70-79, M
The only thing I knew about Leonard Da Vinci was what he said about any body wholie or partly immersed in water 😊
akindheart · 61-69, F
@antonioioio well spill that piece of knowledge please
Not many of the nudes have pubes, either.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@SW-User very for thought

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