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You Can't Keep A (Working) Girl Down !


What am I? 41 years down in my career as a prostitute. Some highs....some chemical highs...some lows.

But, it's my life. It makes me happy. It puts a roof over my head. It pays the bills and, most of all, it fulfils me!

I badly sprained my ankle recently and had been out of commission for a number of days. All I could think about was getting better so I could walk those streets.

Thankfully, I am now. Can't run. Can't jump. But I still can hook!

Prostitution IS my life, make no mistake. Without it? I daren't think.

MartikaDuponte1 · 36-40, F
Glad you're getting there mum. Yes, I know very well what you mean. Most people do not understand it, but just ignore them. The lure of 'the life' is big with you, and me.

We have good people around us to support us, thankfully.

Glad you didn't break that leg!


M x
arthurca · M
I'm glad to hear you're doing better and back at work again, Sammy.
SammyJo · 51-55, F
@arthurca Thank you Art. Yes, it's all good thank you.

billybob69 · 61-69
it’s good you like your profession so much,
SammyJo · 51-55, F
@billybob69 I don't understand those that dislike their profession, whatever it is. It makes no sense to me.

Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@SammyJo for me it wasnt engineering as i enjoyed the discovery and creativity but what i hated was management, security, cost-benefit analysis, semi annual reviews, passwords, constant system changes.

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