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NightsWatch · M
yeah no most draw very little power . Of course size of tank a gph moved plus head height adds but not much .
How To Calculate The Electricity Cost Of Your Aquarium
To calculate the cost of your monthly electric bill for your home aquarium, simply read the wattage labels on each piece of equipment. This will be the cost per month to run your aquarium heaters, filters, lights, protein skimmers, and phosphate reactors. Now, to find the cost of electricity per month of each item, take the wattage and multiply it by the number of hours it is turned on in a day. For heaters, assume it is on around 15 minutes per hour. Lights should be on for between 10 and 12 hours per day. Filters are assumed on full-time to keep your aquarium clean and healthy for your fish. Next, multiply this number of watts per day by how many days are in the month, 30 on average. This will be how many watts the particular item uses per month. Divide this number by 1000 to equate it into kilowatts. Where I live my electric company charges 12 cents per kilowatt. This means if my filter takes 2 kilowatts per month, it will cost me 24 cents to run each month. To find the total cost of running your fish tank, calculate the cost for each item that takes electricity and runs.
How To Calculate The Electricity Cost Of Your Aquarium
To calculate the cost of your monthly electric bill for your home aquarium, simply read the wattage labels on each piece of equipment. This will be the cost per month to run your aquarium heaters, filters, lights, protein skimmers, and phosphate reactors. Now, to find the cost of electricity per month of each item, take the wattage and multiply it by the number of hours it is turned on in a day. For heaters, assume it is on around 15 minutes per hour. Lights should be on for between 10 and 12 hours per day. Filters are assumed on full-time to keep your aquarium clean and healthy for your fish. Next, multiply this number of watts per day by how many days are in the month, 30 on average. This will be how many watts the particular item uses per month. Divide this number by 1000 to equate it into kilowatts. Where I live my electric company charges 12 cents per kilowatt. This means if my filter takes 2 kilowatts per month, it will cost me 24 cents to run each month. To find the total cost of running your fish tank, calculate the cost for each item that takes electricity and runs.
Xanadu17 · 61-69, F
@NightsWatch thank you, I’ll bear that in mind.
CM440 · 56-60, C
I have a pump for aeration and two filters to handle the bio load of goldfish. Per the electric bill, it has not been a noticeable increase. As previously stated, heaters and lights normally consume more than a pump. Filtered water and aeration are very important.
Northwest · M
Depends on the pump. Generally speaking though, pumps use up about 2% of the power needs of an aquariums (lighting, heater, are the primary culprits. For a pump, it's typically about 5 watts for 100 gph (gallons per hour circulation).
Xanadu17 · 61-69, F
Thank you Northwest, so I will stay with a cold water tank and just pay for the pump to clean the water.