Depends on what level they are and what moves they know, but yes they could be.
DrakeoMagister · 26-30, M
Combined they know waterfall, thunder punch, fire punch, play rough, knock off, earthquake, dragon claw, and poison jab. So I have a super effective move against every single base type, except for normal types that is.

Well normal types are weak against everything.

HUUUUUUUGE Ice weakness man.
DrakeoMagister · 26-30, M
I give Donphan a item that boosts it's special defense by half. I have never had Donphan get more than have way down with a ice attack with that being held. For Dragonite he has the special ability mulitscale that half the damage of a move when at full health with I have also almost never gotten more than half way down when hit by ice. Also Dragonite is holding an item that when he gets hit by a super effective move it's attack is increased significantly. So the ones that are a threat almost never survive the first round. Also that is just my starting lineup. I have other pokémon on my team.

I suppose Assault Vest and Weakness Policy could work. What are your other pokemon?