I have never watched anime but I'm interested in watching some. Do you have any suggestions? Preferably something with not too much romance but funny and a lot of action.
Goag- I recently got into manga a couple years ago. Lol but even then I prefer romance manga over action i guess because i dont think i would enjoy a really long managa and actions are usually long and when it comes to anime I prefer action over romance simply because they're funny and not predictable and they also get you riled up. Lol. But they do have a lot of episodes on both fairy tail and naruto but they're really great anime!
I just suddenly remembered something when it comes to movies watch "space captain harlock" You will love it! And everything by Studio Ghibli (Especially Spirited Away and The Tale Of Princess Kaguya)
I will also reccomend another movie called "Wolf Children". I'm very excited when i like something 😂
Fairy tail is good so is naruto although they're both really long but really good. If you Google anime shows it should pop of plenty anime to choose from and it'll show descriptions as well that way you can just see which kind you'd prefer to watch or if you have Netflix I know they have anime on there as well.
Drifters is a series that came out just recently and seems to fit your bill. The quality is exellent and both the sub and dub are acceptable ways of watching the show, I actually think the dub is better for once but that's just my opinion. It also gets brownie points for anyone intrested in historical figures, especially Japanese ones.
The site even works with mobile devices, at least it does with mine, so you can watch on your phone or tablet if you'd like. But don't trust any of the pop ups. There Shifty as hell
I'm not much into anime but I do remember really liking one about these small aliens, it was called Keroro Gunsou. It was really funny, no romance, just about these aliens who are supposed to take over the planet.
I've always been more of an anime person than manga. Lol during summer times I would benge watch anime and eat ramen I'd watch anime so much I begin to learn a little Japanese through the subtitles but I had a friend who was more into managa than anime. She had so many of those books.
One piece has always been my absolute FAV!!! You should try watching the first few episodes to get the feel of it. It always gets me on my toes for the next episode !!
@Ros I don't know. I don't read Fairy tale I just know it's very popular for it's comedy and plot! From what I've Googled there is a season 2. I dunno if it's just subbed or available outside of Japan, though :)
@Ros that's how I feel about One Piece. I wanna read it but then I see all those volumes and chapters and like "Will I even be able to finish it within my lifetime??" xD I'll be a skeleton before I ever get up to date with it!
@Ros Yeah I read manga! I rarely watch anime :) @Poptart Yeah, I noticed romance manga are usually shorter. I rarely read them, though. I like to read manga with plenty of action and fighting in it! HIYA! *karate chops the air*
Naruto and Akatsuki no Yona! Kamisama Hajimemashita is another good one but Naruto is my absolute favorite. There are a lot of episodes too so you wouldn't find yourself crying because there aren't anymore episodes to watch haha :D
The other two are in my opinion very interesting.Characters are beautiful and everything is so perfectly designed and also funny! 😊
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. It's long and sometimes hard to keep track of, (and the art style can be offputting), but it has tons of well-done fight scenes, and very little romance.
I'm only up to date with Naruto because I've been reading it since I was 12. Else I wouldn't have tried it, either. Can't handle 700 chapters and a gaiden manga. No, no.