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leolechien · 70-79, M
I cann't figure out what is wrong with eating meat in reasonable quantities as long as the animùal has been slaughtered in a humane way. Man has always eaten meat and there was no such thing as abbatoirs ( or slaughterhouses depending on where you live ). What about the food chain? Small animals that are there to feed larger ones. Grass eaters to feed carnivores. Man has evolved and become omnivorous. Afterwards you eat what you want but I doubt if preaching is the way to gain converts! Just to be completly honest where I live you can buy horse meat in most of the supermarkets and from time to time I do buy it. I would say to those of you that have never tasted it you don't know what you're missing. In the country where I grew up we DID NOT eat horse meat but here where I have been living for the last40 +++ years I was told that it was beef the first time and I remembering saying how good it was. I am, in spite of being a meat eater, very much against animal cruelty and believe that there should be very heavy penalties on those convicted of such crimes.

plantbased · 61-69, M
Comparative Anatomy
Natural carnivores have the inherent anatomical equipment provided as their birthright with which to apprehend, capture, kill, and rend their quarry. Dogs have powerful jaws that inflict fatal wounds to their prey. Humans however, have no sharp claws for tearing; no sharply pointed fangs for slashing; nor are our eyes or olfactory senses well developed for hunting. Nor is the human body designed to run fast enough to capture prey. Humans cannot grab animals in their mouth as do dogs, coyotes, wolves, jackals, lions, tigers, or cats. We instead inflict more damage with our hands and brute strength. Humans do however, have marvelous fingers, thumbs, and limbs for reaching, climbing and grabbing. Our natural food gathering capacity is very similar to the chimpanzees. Fruitarians of the primate order also have revolving joints in their shoulder, wrist, and elbow joints that allow for free movement in all directions. Frugivores have soft pliable, sensitive hands and fingers with opposable thumbs and flat nails that are perfect for grasping and gathering fruit.

Regarding the extremities of the other species, herbivores possess hooves allowing them to walk easily about grassy plains, and carnivores possess sharp claws allowing them to violently attack their prey. Tree-dwellers and fruit-gatherers also have stereoscopic binocular vision that makes vision precise enough to ascertain the position of tree limbs and objects.

Another anatomical comparison among species in the animal kingdom involves the structure of the skin. All vegetarian animals have abundant sweat glands. In carnivores, their sweat glands are atrophied and inactive. They are exempt from profuse sweating in order to prevent a large fluid loss that would cause concentrated precipitation of nitrogenous wastes (from flesh-eating). This explains why meat-eaters suffer in hot weather while vegetarians remain relatively comfortable.

Comparative Digestive Physiology
Among the various species throughout nature, the length of their particular alimentary canals also differs greatly in relation to their natural food. The gut of the carnivore is 3-6 times the length of their body. They require a short, smooth, fast-acting gut since their natural flesh diet becomes quite toxic and cannot be retained within the intestine for long without poisonous putrefaction taking place. The gut of the herbivore is sacculated for greater surface area, and is 30 times the length of their body. Its herb and grass diet is coarse and fibrous, requiring longer digestion to break down cellulose. The length of the omnivore's alimentary canal is generally 6 times its body trunk size. The gut of the frugivore (like humans) is also sacculated and is 12 times the length of its body. The human digestive tract is about four times as long as the carnivores. The intestine of the carnivore is short and smooth in order to dissolve food rapidly and pass it quickly out of the system prior to the flesh putrefying. The human digestive tract is corrugated for the specific purpose of retaining food as long as possible until all nutriment has been extracted, which is the worst possible condition for the digestion and processing of flesh foods. Meat moves quickly through the carnivore's digestive tract and is quickly expelled. The human lengthy intestine cannot handle low-fiber foods including meat and dairy very quickly at all. As a consequence, animal foods decrease the motility of the human intestine and putrefaction almost invariably occurs (as evidenced by foul smelling stools and flatulence), resulting in the release of many poisonous by-products as the low-fiber food passes through, ever so slowly. In humans, eventual constipation may develop on a meat-centered diet. Colon cancer is also common, both of which are rare or non-existent on a high-fiber diet centered around raw fruits and vegetables.

Stomach, Kidney and Liver!
Stomach form and size among various species also vary markedly. In the carnivore the stomach is a small, round sack designed to dissolve flesh quickly and then pass it on for removal. In plant eaters (particularly ruminants) stomachs are complicated adjoining sacks with ring-like convolutions. The frugivore stomach (including humans) is oblong and is characterized by folds called rugae which serve to retain food for relatively long periods.

Organ sizes of various species also markedly vary. The liver and kidneys in the carnivore are much larger than in vegetarian animals. A lions kidney is twice the size of a bulls, and not much smaller than the elephants. This allows the lion to handle large amounts of protein and nitrogenous waste products contained in its natural flesh diet. The carnivores huge liver secretes larger amounts of bile into the small intestine than does the herbivores liver. There is a direct relation between the quantity of meat eaten and the amount of bile secreted. Meat-eating therefore, places a strain on the small liver of humans which impairs the organ's function over a long period of time.

When you place humans on a diet for which they are NOT naturally adapted, this places unnatural stress on the organs of elimination. Humans have never adapted to the carnivorous diet that is high in animal products. The human liver is smaller than the carnivores and as a result, we cannot detoxify the poisonous products inherent within animal foods such as uric acid (discussed below). Our kidneys are also smaller and become diseased from overwork caused by a diet high in animal protein.

Comparative Digestive Enzymes
The hydrochloric acid concentrations of various species are an additional determinant of their natural diet. A carnivores gastric juice is highly acidic, serving to prevent putrefaction while flesh undergoes digestion. Plant-eaters however, secrete a much less concentrated and less abundant quantity of hydrochloric acid that does not curtail the bacterial decomposition of flesh: a process that begins at the animals moment of death. Flesh is digested in an acid medium within the stomach. Humans secrete a very weak concentration of hydrochloric acid relative to the carnivore, and little of the protein-splitting enzyme pepsinogen. Carnivorous animals have concentrations of these flesh-digesting secretions 1100% greater than do humans. Lions can rip off and swallow your hand whole and quite readily digest it.

Uric Acid: Toxic Component of Meat to Humans
About 5% of the flesh volume of all animals consists of waste material called uric acid that is normally eliminated by the kidneys. Uric acid is a poison to humans because it is toxic and non-metabolizable. Nearly 100% of Americans suffer some form of osteoporosis which is due in large part, to the acidic end-products of meat (and grain) eating. All carnivorous animals however, secrete the enzyme uricase that breaks down uric acid so it can be readily eliminated. Humans do not generate this enzyme. Instead, we ABSORB uric acid when meat is eaten. As a result, calcium-urate crystals form and concentrate in joints, feet, and in the lower back. These deposits lead to arthritis, gout, rheumatism, bursitis, and lower back pain. Humans are physiologically unsuited to utilizing meat as food. Natural carnivores swallow hunks of carrion almost unchewed, and the flesh is digested in the stomach with ease and facility. If humans were to do the same, we would digest very little of it before putrefaction set in and illness ensued. For humans, meat is a pathogenic and nutritionally deficient food.

Saliva pH Varies Widely Among Species
The saliva pH of various species is another determinant of their natural diet. In carnivores, their saliva glands are small and secrete an acidic saliva having little or no effect on starch, which makes sense since flesh is virtually starch-free. Omnivores (like pigs) have tremendous salivary glands that secrete copious quantities of starch-splitting enzymes. Humans only have one starch-splitting enzyme, versus a multitude of them in omnivores and other natural starch-eating animals. Our ptyalin is very limited. This rules us out as being true granivores (starch-eaters) which includes grains and cereals. Frugivores have salivary glands that secrete alkaline saliva, containing only moderate amounts of ptyalin, which initiates starch digestion. This tells us that humans and other frugivores can easily digest the small amount of starch contained in fresh fruits, nuts, and leafy greens, and that humans are not intended to subsist on a diet of highly starchy grain foods as many currently do. (Diabetes mellitus is largely the result of consuming large amounts of refined sugars and starches. Even eating predominantly of whole grains and natural legumes as dietary staples can be injurious because of the need for excessive starch digestion).

Science Verifies That Human Ancestors Were Frugivores

Dr. Alan Walker, an anthropologist of John Hopkins University in Maryland , has done research showing that early humans were once exclusively fruit eaters. By careful examination of fossil teeth and fossilized human remains with electron microscopes and other sophisticated tools, Dr. Walker and his colleagues are absolutely certain that early humans until relatively recently, were total fruitarians. Source: New York Time, May 15, 1979.

"The natural food of man, judging from his structure, appears to consist principally of the fruits, roots, and other succulent parts of vegetables. His hands afford every facility for gathering them; his short but moderately strong jaws on the other hand, and his canines being equal only in length to the other teeth, together with his tuberculated molars on the other, would scarcely permit him either to masticate herbage, or to devour flesh, were these condiments not previously prepared by cooking."
-- Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), Regne Animal, Vol 1, p73

In conclusion, our natural diet should consist primarily of fruits, nuts, and green vegetables. We can be called frugivores because many "vegetables" are botanically considered fruits.

Frugivores are physiologically equipped to obtain energy primarily from the natural sugar in fruits. Humans are bestowed with a kind of "natural sweet tooth" to guide us in the selection of foods that meet our biological disposition and our caloric needs: namely, sweet juicy fruits. Our anatomy is such that we are capable of picking fruits, masticate, digest, and appropriate them with ease and efficiency. Fruits contain all the nutrients we need: vitamins, minerals, proteins (in the form of amino acids), fats, and carbohydrates. All seed-bearing foods are botanically defined as "fruit". This includes avocado, sweet pepper, cucumber, tomato, eggplant, even nuts and seeds.

In Botany fruit is mature ovary, and is made of two parts: the pericarp or edible flesh, and the seed portion itself from fertilized ovules.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
You can eat meat and be against animal cruelty.. Animals don't have to be basically tortured before being killed and so on for example. plus being against animal cruelty isn't going to save those animals being killed, if they are consumed instead of just wasted or thrown away well at least their death wasn't just wasted.
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
humans have canine teeth, just from that fact should show that we were meant to eat meat. you can get diseases and bacteria from most things in this world so to be scared or not eat meat for that reason is kinda stupid. eating meat has many benefits
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
so one guy studies this and automatically that means that he is right and everyone else was wrong? look up the benefits of eating meat, and try explaining why it is we shouldn't be eating it. Canine teeth are not just in our mouths to look pretty, they serve a actual purpose... I forgot how impossible it is to explain facts to vegetarians/vegans lol.

you wanna just eat plants and vegetables to avoid animal cruelty, well go ahead but don't try claiming that people who eat meat support animal cruelty and whatever else. also plants are alive, you eating them should mean you are all for plant cruelty, I mean going off your logic anyway
plantbased · 61-69, M
"Science Verifies That Human Ancestors Were Frugivores

Dr. Alan Walker, an anthropologist of John Hopkins University in Maryland , has done research showing that early humans were once exclusively fruit eaters. By careful examination of fossil teeth and fossilized human remains with electron microscopes and other sophisticated tools, Dr. Walker and his colleagues are absolutely certain that early humans until relatively recently, were total fruitarians. Source: New York Time, May 15, 1979.

"The natural food of man, judging from his structure, appears to consist principally of the fruits, roots, and other succulent parts of vegetables. His hands afford every facility for gathering them; his short but moderately strong jaws on the other hand, and his canines being equal only in length to the other teeth, together with his tuberculated molars on the other, would scarcely permit him either to masticate herbage, or to devour flesh, were these condiments not previously prepared by cooking."
-- Georges Cuvier (1769-1832), Regne Animal, Vol 1, p73"
plantbased · 61-69, M
candidly points out in this four-minute video clip. Dr. McDougall passionately forewarns men, using straightforward language, that eating meat and dairy products (saturated animal fats) diminishes sexual performance, decreases male potency and masculinity. Consuming meat he says, decreases ejaculate volume, lowers sperm count, shortens sperm life, causes poor sperm motility, genetic damage, and infertility. This is largely due to the high levels of environmental chemicals that concentrate in meats, eggs and dairy products which interfere with the actions of testosterone. "Estimates are that 89% to 99% of the chemical intake into our body is from our food, and most of this is from foods high on the food chain: meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products." As a result, consuming meat and dairy products while carrying a male infant in the womb increases the risk of the baby boy having a smaller penis and testicles, as well as deformity of the penis (hypospadia) and an undescended testicle (cryptorchism).
plantbased · 61-69, M
James Cameron is still a vegan — and he picked a massive celebration to remind the world.

The 58-year-old filmmaker and ocean explorer was honored on June 13 during the National Geographic Society’s 125th anniversary gala with “Explorer of the Year” for his successful solo dive last year to the deepest point of the Pacific Ocean. During his speech, Cameron urged the packed house of scientists and explorers to consider dropping animal products and reap the benefits.

“I’ve had an epiphany recently,” Cameron said. “I want to challenge all of you as people of deep conscience, people who are environment stewards of the earth and oceans … By changing what you eat, you will change the entire contract between the human species and the natural world.”

Cameron, who announced he’d gone vegan in October of last year, told the crowd that the switch had a huge impact on him. “I felt like I was waking up from a long sleepwalk. I believe we are all sleepwalking off a cliff if we don’t do this.”
Yeah, okay.. you keep believing that.. and I'll keep eating my meat.
i see you're trying hard to make friends here.
plantbased · 61-69, M
and now in these modern times, the consumption of animal products has increased exponentially, with the rise of modern disease, like heart, diabetes, arteriosclerosis...cancers the book "the china study" and become acquainted with the discovery that animal protein causes cancer, especially casein in dairy...
People are lazy they want quick and easy.. okay got it. People are lazy by nature.. okay wrote that down too so I don't forget. Thank you, I can surely sleep better tonight with your in put. Now, I need to get back to my steaks on the grill.
plantbased · 61-69, M
By Christopher Ingraham June 12, 2015 

The average American woman weighs 166.2 pounds, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. As reddit recently pointed out, that's almost exactly as much as the average American man weighed in the early 1960s.

Men, you're not looking too hot in this scenario either. Over the same time period you gained nearly 30 pounds, from 166.3 in the 60s to 195.5 today. Doing the same comparison as above, today's American man weighs almost as much as 1.5 American women from the 1960s. At 195.5 pounds, put five American guys in a room and you've gathered roughly half a ton of manhood.AS THE ANIMAL FOODS INCREASE, they are laden with fats, so does the weight of the average meat eater...
plantbased · 61-69, M
grassfed animals live twice as long as factory animals, it is unsustainable at the present rate of usage of animal products, and you still decide how they live and die.....
plantbased · 61-69, M
the 3 major disease killers in north America can be traced to the consumtion of animal products, and most of the infectious disease came from the domestication of animals...and still does is a form of karmic retribution...
PlumBerries · 31-35, F
lol really? you are basing what everyone should be eating from what you think a 2 year old would pick to eat.. hmm ok
The canine teeth DOES make perfect sense.. man has been eating meat since the beginning of time.
plantbased · 61-69, M
"totally disagree. I don't eat my pets, and yes I differentiate between the ones I use as food and the ones I would have as companion animals."i totally disagree, you and nearly all of us have been conditioned to see things that way, in parts of asia, they see no difference between a dog or a pig....pigs are just as intelligent as dogs, many animals are...this conditioning is known as quieten our conscience as we eat animals...
plantbased · 61-69, M
in this article of science, it is being advised by Kaiser permanente that doctors suggest to their patients that a plant based diet should be the first to try to heal their disease, before surgery. cant seem to get hyperlinks, just copy and paste
SoFine · 46-50, F
Hello Pinkrain,
The over consumption of red meat does raise your chance of heart problems, then followed by bowl cancer. People are lazy by nature, they will opt out for the easy way. It is easy to take a pill to reduce high blood pressure than to exercise and eat with nutrition in mind. Again people are lazy they want quick and easy.
Kerennya · 51-55, F
I tried eating vegetarian for a couple of months one time just to try it, and I couldn't stay full - I was hungry ALL the time, excepting for about an hour after each meal. It was pretty miserable. It didn't get better until I started eating animal products again. I don't say this to be disrespectful, simply to share my experience.
We harvest our own animals.. no factory involved.
plantbased · 61-69, M
the ones who will listen, are the ones I am interested in getting to, the others may never wake up....animal factory farms are contributing up to 50% of climate change..maybe even more, If I posted a link to "earthlings"will you watch it? it is impossible to watch and not change....
plantbased · 61-69, M
I know it is shocking to discover we are participating in wholesale cruelty..then we use their hides as clothing, car seats, and shoes....we react with indignation, we are becoming awake...that is a good sign...we will become slimmer, and maybe even more intelligent
plantbased · 61-69, M
the canine teeth thingy does not make sense, we are biologically equipped to eat plants and grains, the grains we cant eat without cooking them, or processing....if I left a 2 year old in a room with a lamb and a banana, he/she will eat the banana and play with the lamb
plantbased · 61-69, M
"People are lazy they want quick and easy.. okay got it. People are lazy by nature.. okay wrote that down too so I don't forget. Thank you, I can surely sleep better tonight with your in put. Now, I need to get back to my steaks on the grill "where did I say this?
SoFine · 46-50, F
I don't eat meat, that is my choice.
That I do, I don't make other people wrong for their free choice.
We each have to come to a realization, about the damage we do.
When you tell people off, then you only push them more into their position they take.
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
I appreciate all of the educational material you have provided here. I have been eating about 70% vegetarian for most of my life. Your information has encouraged me to up that percentage considerably.
plantbased · 61-69, M
to live as a vegan is a huge boon to the planet, and to your own health, read the "china study" watch "cowspiracy" on Netflix....then go on facebook group "let food be thy medicine" to learn how to become vegan....
plantbased · 61-69, M
dr Michael greger, explains how to curb pandemics, like swine flu, chicken flu...these outbreaks come from animals....spinach doesent shit...
Omg if meat were causing get all you say it is then no one would be eating it.. just because a Dr says so or a YouTube video says so doesn't make it true.
Well, I guess you wouldn't want to hear about the deer, cow and pig meat I have in my freezer.. oh! and chicken.
I mean how long has hunting been around.. I doubt they were hunting for vegetables.
The comment below mine is what I'm making fun of.
plantbased · 61-69, M
trying to waken people from their slumber.....
I totally disagree. I don't eat my pets, and yes I differentiate between the ones I use as food and the ones I would have as companion animals.

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