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CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
If someone talks to me about someone I don't know in a negative way, especially if they use offensive words, I often find myself think badly about themselves rather than the person they talk about. It's just their side of the story and I don't know what's the whole picture.
Yeah, I'm not sure either. I wondered if those who always talk about themselves realize they are doing it. Like do they see how they redirect a conversation so they are the main topic or not?
I know someone who purposely does it, but they are grandiose, self-centered, and conceited all of the above...I tell you it's difficult to deal with.
I know someone who purposely does it, but they are grandiose, self-centered, and conceited all of the above...I tell you it's difficult to deal with.
Menetics · 26-30, F
If I were you, I'd avoid them. I had friends like this too and I no longer speak with them.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Sounds like you met with gossip girls