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MadMaximus · 51-55, M
So, back in the days of Experience Project I became acquainted with DrewBerry, she had this friend from the Carolinas East, I think. Anyway even though we never met, we had great adventures and there was a ton of mischief and getting booted from British trivia rooms that followed. There was a train of cartoon animals that we poeticized, ridiculous interviews, awful stories but she was my best foil.
MuguetDeMai · 56-60, F
What about the person who devoted her life and sacrificed everything to caring for you? Why don't you love doing things with her? Why do you scream at her and make her feel like total crap for loving you? The jackassery is gone and all that is left is a jackass.
MadMaximus · 51-55, M
Drewberry! Are you in the building?