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I Want You To Introduce Yourself Before I Add You As A Friend

Please... if you choose to message me, for whatever reason ....I've me a clue why!! ' hi.. wanna chat?' Simply doesn't wash with me. Why did you message me? U like my profile pick? We have groups in common? You like one of my post... groovy....but ' hey here' am I expected to answer that? X
RubySoo · 56-60, F
Wafflemonkey. I'm referring to the amount of people ( usually men) who pm me and don't say why they have messaged me. Do they really just randomly message any woman hoping she's gonna play the game? I suspect lots do. So I'm just saying...I'd rather get a ' I like yr pic' or I've read yr story' something like that so I get the reasoning behind it!
nojudging · 61-69, M
I agree, it doesn't make any sense to me for someone to just say, Hi. Hi what? I like to know why someone contacted. Then you can have a conversation. Along the same lines, I don't understand why someone wants to friend me with no prior contact. I can only assume they have seen a reply to a post or they see someting in my profile that they like but for me just friending doesn't make sense. I usually just ignore. Unfortunately some people may see this as being rude. I'm not I'm quite friendly but so be it!
Hi just call me waffle since almost everyone calls me waffle. I prefer if you call me monkey instead because its new to me.

I'm almost complete opposite than an Average Human Being. I draw and cook which I enjoy the most.

I watch classic and classic western movies. I love the cold weather. I love football and watch football.

wellp, now you know
Samhun1 · 56-60, F
I'm with you Rubysoo, its when you get bizarre one sentence messages that make no sense and when you look at the persons profile you can't find out anything about them. And before anyone says I have nothing on my profile thats because I seldom message people randomly and if I receive one I will willingly tell you about me in time.
RubySoo · 56-60, F
No..But.. a clue what they wanna talk about...why they chose to message me! When I message someone...its coz I've read a story and have something to say....or....We seem to have stuff in common...groups and stuff. I don't see the point of ' hi'
I say hi back....then what?
What do you want them to do.. give you their life history?
RubySoo · 56-60, F
I sometimes get explicit messages....put that's not a problem because I know what they want!! So it's easy to ignore or block. I just don't know where to go from ' hi' with nothing else!! X
I guess you like to be pacific. I like to be pacific too. but I'm no expert of talking most of the time
They could be saying much worse.. I'll give you my inbox for a day. Then you'll be glad that all they said was hello.

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