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I Check Out Your Profile Before I Add You

Of Course, I Check Your Profile.... I am pleased when people add me to their circle, however before I add you to my circle, I check for a few qualities.

If I add you, the only term and condition that applies to you is that I want to communicate with you on a fairly regular basis. (We do not need to communicate on EP, but can communicate by whatever other means you'd like, whether that's email, twitter, FB, etc.) I added you so that we could talk about experiences, news and events that are of mutual interest. If you don't wish to chat, then say so and goodbye, enjoy your life. 
                                           To be added
First, I want to see a number of groups that we have in common (preferably a double digit number). Being a member of the group "I am an American" or "I wear glasses" doesn't really tell me anything about you unless you write a story in the generic group about its value to you because many people have generic qualities alone. The higher number makes it is easier on us. "All the better to [chat] with you, my child." I look more favorably on people who have stories in groups that we have in common, especially when the story is good. I do look at your stories as well and see what have you written. Having the same story replicated in many different groups only counts as 1 story.  Having only one story or one group in common is not an absolute bar, but the higher number makes it easier.

Second, I want to see that we communicate after we are in the circle and if we don't communicate and you haven't been on the site, I reserve the right to remove you from my circle.

Third, commenting substantively on a story is a way that you can show me that we have things in common and that you are willing to chat. I will respect the boundaries that you have established, even if I would otherwise add you.

If we have few generic groups in common and you want to get into my circle, write me a short note explaining WHY DID YOU ADD ME TO YOUR CIRCLE; what did you find interesting? THIS IS YOUR PROMPT; If you do not answer it, you will not get an add. The easy way into my circle is to answer the question posed above.  We will be chatting on a fairly regular (read: weekly or more) basis until I feel as though I have gotten to know you or you shall be removed from my circle. :) If you send me a message, I am extremely likely to respond within a very short amount of time. I go through phases where I add stories and other times where I just read and comment on the stories, so if you post something interesting, I will likely rate your story up and look at your profile for possible adding into my circle.
Fourth, I do not care about how many pictures you have, when evaluating a possible friend. The only exception to the previous sentence is that you MUST have a photo avatar; the photo may be one of the generic ones provided by EP. The incorrect usage of the English language is a definite negative when I evaluate a possible friendship. I want to read your ideas in complete, grammatically correct sentences, not in text speak. Mutual friends do not mean anything when I evaluate a possible friendship. 

On "mature" topics, yes, I have some of them in my groups. But take note, not all of my groups are about "mature" topics. I do have strong opinions and values. I will gladly chat with people about the topic, but we need to discuss other topics first, like the weather, your hobbies, your (ideal) occupation, favorite things (movies, food, books, etc.). I highly recommend that you view my groups before you just add me. We can and will have conversations without mentioning the topics, for my life does not revolve around "mature" topics. For more on this topic, read the story: For everything there is a season. The things in that story are added herein by reference.

When I add a friend, I send a message along explaining that we have some groups in common and how great it would be to chat about them. The only exception to that previous line is if we have had a chat on a thread. :) If I can not message you, I will not add you as a friend.

If you add me, the guidelines are:
To sum this up simply, THE GENERAL GUIDELINES 

1. Please realize that I reserve the right to make exceptions to any or all of the below policies, as I so see fit.
2. No groups in common, why should I add you?
3.  No chat, I reserve the right to remove you from my circle
4. No stories or no avatar, no add.
5. Show maturity and use proper grammar.
6. I respect the boundaries that you have put in place.
7. If you want to chat with me on a method not listed, please ask; my inbox is open.
8. I will not add if I can't message you or I find inconsistencies in your profile and stories that you have written.
9. If you meet the above requirements, let's chat about life and possibly welcome to my circle.

If I decide to add you, I just want to have a chat with you. That is all. 

Any questions about this note or the above policies shall be directed to my inbox.  
This post may be updated, time to time, with new terms & conditions.  
This post will be featured on my page, so it is easy for you to find. 

Since you've successfully reached the end of my post,
HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY and possibly welcome to my circle.
You summed up exactly how I feel too. I especially can't stand bad written language, would prefer that they write stories (and more than just one sentence at that), and it always mystifies me why somebody would friend me without saying a word as to why.
Do you have an application form that needs to be filled out as well? ; )
md09john316 · 31-35, M
No, there's not an application form, but I do look at the profile and stories and groups, lol. :)
I usually give a cursory glance to make sure I don't find anything repulsive and that's about it.
Substance requirements finally verbalized, cards down, all faced up. THANK YOU! You might want to copyright that lol.
wow a guy that isnt disgusting
md09john316 · 31-35, M
Thank you. :)
yep sadly we only have 6 groups in common.
md09john316 · 31-35, M
We have a number of groups in common, yes. The more groups we have in common the easier it is to chat, which is why I'm here.

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