I Accept People As They Are
I Accept People As They Are
Each One Of Us Is Unique... We born with different color of skins,eyes,face,specialty, gender and so on. there are references on beautiful , beautiful outside us such as nice hair, face , perfect body and others that makes us crazy to be, inner beauty something that a person that consists with good values. Why we are different, is it we can tease on people what they are, how they live and the way they speak. in my opinion we are luckiest person and its because we can learn so many things and so many things that we can adapt for our betterment in life. its not a shame or disgrace for me to follow the good deed. :)
Each One Of Us Is Unique... We born with different color of skins,eyes,face,specialty, gender and so on. there are references on beautiful , beautiful outside us such as nice hair, face , perfect body and others that makes us crazy to be, inner beauty something that a person that consists with good values. Why we are different, is it we can tease on people what they are, how they live and the way they speak. in my opinion we are luckiest person and its because we can learn so many things and so many things that we can adapt for our betterment in life. its not a shame or disgrace for me to follow the good deed. :)