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I love when I can give people a taste of their own shenanigans

Had a decent outing with an acquaintance in May.
We texted back and forth in the weeks afterwards.
She told me she would like to go skating.

Me: I'm going skating this weekend if you want to join
Her: *crickets*

Me about 2 weeks later: I'm going to xyz festival Saturday. Let me know if you are interested.
Her: *crickets*

6 weeks later

Her: Hey Nikki, how are you?
Me: *crickets*


I understand a person may not be available to go somewhere with me, but a simple acknowledgement of my message such as "can't make it" or "I'll catch you next time" would truly suffice.
I'm sorry you're feeling neglected by your friend. Does she have kids?

I have 2 friends like this. The one, we've been friends for 20 years (holy cow how did that happen? haha) and she's only been doing this for the last couple of years. BUT, I realize she is a mom of 4 and is VERY busy with them and the many many responsibilities she takes on in addition to them. She'll get back to me in like 4 months haha

My other, I suspect it may be too hard for her to get together?? She's been trying to have a baby for years and I have 2 now. Last I heard from her they were trying to raise money for IVF, and it was right when we were currently doing IVF...so maybe some jealousy? She's really such a sweet person so I don't think she harbors any bad feelings. Maybe it's just too hard for her. I've stopped reaching out after 2 years and her never following through with meetups or anything. She quit replying back at all after she found out I was doing IVF. *shrugs*
Sapio · 51-55, M
I agree with you. It doesn't take much to utter a quick response.
UndeadSona · F
You'd probably hate being friends with me 🤔 then again I tend to only half ignore the group chat

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