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Aliens were found in Miami mall?????

Apparently there were 10ft tall aliens 👽 found in Miami mall , have you heard????? Or is it a rumor?
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Yes they’re called Floridians
The ginormous fleet of cop cars descending on that mall,
proves it was definitely aliens!...😌💯👽
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Any INS agents?
@JoyfulSilence You're asking me like I was there... 😅 😂

I saw, what I can only deduce as,
chopper (or drone) footage.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M

Alien probe drones.
KatSch · 41-45, F
maybe Wallmart
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@KatSch not walmart this time
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
My next question why are all zoombies found in florida?
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Illegal aliens?
RadiantRose · 31-35, F
@JoyfulSilence 😆😆 not sure
Swoop62 · M
I think the Celtics signed one of them.
Husher ·
No, it's real. I seen them, they were twice the size of a small house they are ginormous and they are demons

Late at night in the parking lot, like giants.
Maybe they are the Lizard People that the moron cultists have been talking about since trump was prez???
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empanadas · 31-35, M
Too much meth

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