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31-35, F
About Me
About Me

pay attention for this is what you want to know, don't keep asking cause the answers are just here for you to know..

being bothered, being asked now this what you want. i'll tell you who am i. im not asking for who you are. im just human like everybody else. but i'm not you,and i'm not them, i'm just me ♥

love me, hate me, like me,admire me whatever it is..I DONT CARE :)) but wait reader there is a lot for you to know so sit, read and hold on. pictures do no define who i really am. find me nice in the photos? think again. i may not as admirable and irresistible in person. i have more stories to tell than pictures to show. humbling aside, i am not the drop-dead, glance catcher or looker type. i prefer to be but ordinary with her own different to impress and please people.

i act like a rowdy, spoiled kid at times. you can see me cracking corny jokes from local tv programs, laughing my stomach out watching patrick's stupidity with all the bikini bottom friends, playing my toys (childhood toys, that is), devouring a cheesburger value meal and a hot fudge sundae at mcdo with all the sauce dripping on the table and on my shirt, mixing gravy, ketchup and mayo as a sauce to my if-there's-one-food-you-will-eat-for-the-rest-of-your-life french fries, or see me walks down the university's stair with the sound of my stomping heard throughout the area. on serious matters however, i know how to act my age to handle situations. i am matured enough to accept my own faults and correct my own mistakes.

i enjoy hanging out with friends anywhere possible. be it, money spending coffee shops or the cheapest barbecue grill carinderia, offering pork intestines and the likes, on the outskirts of the street outside school. my friends can attest that i am easy to please and make me smile (or laugh boisterously). they also knew how nice (to nice people) and rude (to rude ones) i can be. i appreciate the attention i recieve from the people around me. i am happy meeting new people and gaining friends. but, i prefer to meet them one at a time, as it gives me time to know them closely and express myself clearly.i am the smooth, laid-back type who do not rush things. slowly but surely. I hate routines

PEACE lang gusto ko :))
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if you can't handle me at my worst THEN YOU SURE AS HELL doesn't deserve at my BEST.. YOU DONT HAVE TO LOVE ME YOU DONT EVEN TO LIKE ME BUT YOU WILL RESPECT ME :)

Don't worry. I don't bite ..
Let`s be friends !
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